I need to hurry up

Is it the Mac’s Moment? According to the wall street journal it could be. Let me highlight the one passage that is really intriguing:

Already, there are signs Apple is gaining some ground: Some software developers are warming up to using Macs for programming.

For years, many software developers sniffed at Macs. About five years ago, though, Apple introduced a sweeping upgrade of its operating system called Mac OS X, derived from Unix, a high-performance, reliable operating system long used in scientific and other demanding computing environments.

There it is. Programmers will slowly be flocking to the Mac platform. I need to hurry up and create some killer app. I need to be the big fish in the small pond once the floods come in and inundate our happy little pond.


This rant on TUAW is a funny read. It is something I have wondered about for a while, especially about the switchers to OS X.

Men and women, boys and girls, please: Mac OS X more or less offers only one way to manually maximize windows across your entire display for a reason – because they don’t have to be that large.

To maximize the window, in OS X is a weird concept. It is basically done with the green button (the one on the right in the cluster of buttons on the top right). But it doesn’t work quite the same way as the maximize window concept under Windows. I don’t use it, because I don’t like the fact it doesn’t always take up the screen realestate like I am used to on Windows. So since it doesn’t act correctly, I avoid it.

Anyway, the aesthetics of a Mac obviate the need for maximizing the document window. The Mac is program based. Try command-tab. You’ll see only programs. You select the program that you want running on top and control-tab through its open documents. That’s why the menu bar shows only one application at a time. Use expose to access all document windows.

Windows is window based. Alt-tab goes through all open windows. Imagine myriad windows open and you’ll quickly realize the Mac and it’s application based tabbing is more superior. I think Vista will be like the Mac.

Open Thread

Here’s a chance for you to talk about anything you like. Especially, for those lurkers out there. I really want to know who comes here.

V for Vendetta

As promised.

V for Vendetta is an adaptation of the Alan Moore graphic novel of the same name. I have read the book. The themes are the same, but something has changed. The graphic novel is a rant against the Thatcher England. Think, fascism in the UK, and the Clash singing, “Clampdown.” That was the milleau that the comic was written in.

The movie is also a product of its times. Although, it was still set in London, it really is an indictment of the Bush adminisitration. Everything this corrupt White House spouts is reflected in the fascistic government of the film. The party line espoused by the media. The corrupt church. Torture of people. Demonizing gays. That’s all the Bush admin is about.

This movie was subversive. One man’s terrorist is another’s freedom fighter.

4 of 5 stars.

Adventures from my Netflix queue: Show Me Love

Show Me Love or in its original swedish title, Fucking Åmål, is something else. Actually, it’s really a swedish, teenage angst, lesbian flick. Some categorize it as a romance picture, but it is a brutally, honest portrayal of coming to grips with love. Even if it is with the same gender. The emotions are all real. The actresses are natural. The story is sweet and tender. Although, they didn’t have to literally come out of the closet at the end. Symbolism failed the director, and it just seemed corny. I wonder what happens with them afterwards?

As far as swedish, teenage angst, lesbian flicks go, Show Me Love is all heart.

Lukas Moodysson also directed Lilya 4-Ever another brutal emotional story. These two films have kept me up at night.

4 of 5 stars.

PS: Someday soon I will get to writing my V for Vendetta review but for now consider it another 4 of 5 stars movie.