Adventures from my Netflix queue: 13 Going On 30
Just wrapped up watching 13 Going on 30. In my $0.02 summary, I said it was an “unbelievable story, but it sucks you in.”
First, it was hard to believe. For one thing, I don’t think a 13 year old in 1987 would’ve been dancing to Micheal Jackson’s Thriller. Didn’t that come out in 1982? She was a couple of years behind the curve. Perhaps the original writer placed it then, but then the movie wasn’t produced until later and the Thriller scenes were key so they kept it in. See. It is hard to believe that teen girls would still be interested in Micheal in 1987. It would’ve been better if they did Bad.
Second, it was hard to believe that the magazine would’ve wanted to do her idea. Especially, something so drastic. Plus, what demographic was Poise targetting? It looked like 16 magazine, yet that other girl’s other idea seemed to be targeted at young adults. Hunh?
Lastly, I get sucked into these remorseful, wistful stories. I always like looking back. I felt it right here. That thread keeps this movie from sinking to 2 stars. And Jennifer Garner was totally cute in it.
3 of 5 stars.