“Like a big bear.”

After reading this article, the first thing to come to my mind was, “Has it really been 10 years?”

The film was ahead of its time, Favreau said, setting the stage for the type of comedy found in more recent box office hits “Old School” and “Wedding Crashers.”


After spending the morning browsing the wares at Farpoint 2006, I wondered what other geeky activity is in my future. To go with all the Robotech posting, I may have to try Otakon this year.


My Macross thread has been going on very well. Nice mix of comments. Even the big W showed up. Thinking about it, the seed noted that the cast of NewsRadio should play the parts. I like considering they did their own take on a film (see Sinking Ship).

Dave Foley as Rick Hunter or Exedore.
The late Phil Hartman as Dolza.
Joe Rogan as Khyron.
Maura Tierney as Lisa Mill… er Hayes.
Andy Dick as Max.
Khandi Alexander as Claudia.
Jon Lovitz as Breetai.
And Stephen Root as Roy.

What a strange list.

Anyway, I wanted to list his suggestions here so that we can compare.
Rick and Lisa
Dolza, Breetai and Gloval

Keep them coming. And as an enticement: Miriya!

“To be in love”

From the comments in Capitol Swell’s post on the hotness of Grace Park comes this interesting tidbit from the seed.

2ndseed said…

The only thing that sucks about watching Battlestar Galactica is that it isn’t Macross. That batlles definitly look like a scene from any Macross battle, the ship full of citizens just trying to make ends meet. Man it’s so close to being Macross. Battlestar is just a TV show and it’s truly amazing. Just imagine a live trilogy movie adaption of Macross. I’m not saying the whole Robotech Saga, just Macross. It would blow away anything before and after.

Battlestar Galactica is a very good show. I have it on TiVo and usually watch it Saturday mornings just to catch up. Grace Park doesn’t do it for me. She’s too cylon-y. She’s hot in that picture, but…

Anyway, I liked the Macross interjection in the comment. So let’s open up this joint and see who to cast in a live version of Macross. I am starting this thread to see who you think should play the parts.

Instead of being serious, I am going to start with something amusing: casting the “Frat Pack” in the male roles.

Roy Fokker : Vince Vaughn
Rick Hunter : ??? [I don’t know]
Breetai : Jon Favreau
Captain Gloval : Stephen Root
Khyron : Ben Stiller
Ben : Owen Wilson
Max Sterling : Luke Wilson
Dolza : Will Ferrell
Exedore : David Duchovny
Lynn Kyle : Ron Livingston

The women’s roles? Let’s get some hotties.
Lisa : Rachel McAdams
Lynn Minmei : Devon Aoki [I don’t like this pick, but who knows hot young chinese actresses?]
Claudia : Gabrielle Union
Azonia : Catherine Zeta-Jones
Miriya : Kate Beckinsale
Sammie : Kirsten Dunst
Kim : Lindsay Lohan
Vanessa : Eliza Dushku

Now that is a funky list. The actresses are hot and the men are funny. I wonder how that would work? Post your’s in the comments.

New MacOS X trojan alert

Well, security through less popular appeal doesn’t seem to be working. The dudes at Ambrosia software has posted a notice on their site about a piece of code that is a trojan horse that will mess with your Mac. That’s right. A Macintosh! Beware of the coming doom.

A file called “latestpics.tgz” was posted on a Mac rumors web site http://www.macrumors.com/ , claiming to be pictures of “MacOS X Leopard” (an upcoming version of MacOS X, aka “MacOS X 10.5”). It is actually a Trojan (or arguably, a very non-virulent virus). We’ll call it “Oompa-Loompa” (aka “OSX/Oomp-A”) for reasons that will become obvious.

If you are a Mac addict and need some protection from the black hats try clamXav, a freeware virus scanner for OS X.

Adventures from the Netflix Queue

Do you believe in Serendipity? As I sit here trying to write up a review of the latest flick from my Netflix queue, I don’t know. Before sitting down, I thought that the movie stunk. If it is supposed to be a romantic comedy, there was nothing funny about it. There was really nothing romantic about it. John Cusack waits until the night of his wedding to realize that he doesn’t love his fiancee, attempts find the long lost love of his life, and dumps his fiance on the altar? Excuse me, but isn’t that the opposite of romance, but really terrible and heart breaking?

I couldn’t believe it, romance, what a lark!

But then the serendipitous moment occurred. Wasn’t yesterday Valentine’s day? I missed it again. Alone naturally. And guess who starred in the flick. Kate Beckinsale! A hottie! And guess what, there’s a nice, little, untitled post up on Capitol Swell celebrating the hotness of her. And our buddy at the seed, was inspired to do a hottie countdown/roundup from that post.

So you see how fortuitous things are. I watch a supposed romantic comedy the day after Valentine’s day alone, which starred the hottie who inspired my buddy to begin his hottie countdown!

How weird is that?

By the way, I marked the movie as 2 of 5 stars.

How to fold a fitted sheet

Similar to how to fold a shirt, this page takes a look at how to fold a fitted sheet. I am posting this here so as not to lose this. Fitted sheets are the worst of them all. I like their convenience and the fact that they hardly come off, but folding them after the wash sucks big time. My sheets are so wrinkled. Any way for those who do their own laundry, enjoy.