Reviews of movies I had seen during the Holidays 2005

Although too late to appear on my year end: list of the best of 2005, I caught some movies over the holidays. I therefore owe you some reviews. I wish I could write these but they will be short.

While some had seen this early in the season, we watched The Family Stone on New Year’s day. While Luke Wilson always is a pleasure to see in a film, this movie does not rest on his shoulders. It rests on Sarah Jessica Parker’s, and her skinny ass could not bring this one home. I lost interest when I could not believe that anyone could fall for her let alone someone her complete opposite. It was only a film.

3 of 5 stars.

To brighten up the holidays, I caught Munich the day after. I think the controversy over this one is uncalled for. Most likely the people complaining about the sympathy it evokes for the Palistinean cause never saw a frame of the film. Yes it does cast Israel in somewhat of a bad light, but only if you think that they should not have retaliated.

In fact, I thought Spielberg gave voice to the anger and made sure that revenge is something that is tolerable. I completely did not read the “war is bad” vibe into this. Maybe Eric Banna did not convey what needed to be conveyed about revenge very well. He was to transform into person who did not know where his morals went. I did not see it.

4 of 5 stars.

I also saw Harry Potter 4 again. I give it 4 of 5 stars on second go round.

Movie Reviews 2005

Well, the conclusion of a year always brings about list making. I, for one, love to make lists. This one, unlike last year’s is shorter. It seems that my tastes were more discriminating. Or else movies sucked this past year.

I went through a lot of my previous posts for this so enjoy.

5 stars: NONE!!!

4 stars:
The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.
Mr. and Mrs. Smith.
Star Wars III Revenge of the Sith.

Wow! I also rated a lot more movies low. No wonder the movie box office receipts were off this year. Lots of sucky product was released. Hopefully, this year is better

‘Tis the season

Happy Holidays! Merry Christmas! Here we are on the day after Christmas. The Canadians call it Boxing Day. Whetever?!

Anyway, I hope that you’re Christmas went well and you got everything you need and some things you wanted.

My haul this year was great. I am typing on a Mac centric keyboard! I got some music I wanted, and a few books that were great. Overall, it was enjoyable. Hopefully, all the people that I had gotten stuff for are enjoying their presents. It was great to hang with the family. I must be another 5 lbs heavier. 200 here I come.

Christmas Shopping

I have finished up the shopping for this year’s Christmas last night. The stores were not crowded at all. Okay. I just went to one store, because I had to get one last present, but it wasn’t nearly as crowded. On the other hand, on Wednesday I stopped by the mall. While it too wasn’t crowded, there were lots of people shopping still and I felt ill being there. Luckily, I needed only two presents of which I only bought one. Hence, Thursday I had to buy one last present.

Next time, I think I’ll try online shopping.

Winter Solstice

Today, err tonight rather, is the longest night of the year. They call this winter solstice. From this day forward it will be nothing but brightening days and shorter nights. Imagine, spring is almost here!

I do not like spring. It is my least favorite season. Even the cold of winter beats it out. I like it less because of the fact the days are lengthening. As spring approaches, the quality of light during the day is brighter, but unlike the quality of light in the autumn, spring’s is more happier. I do not like this brightness. I like the gloom of the autumn and the dark of winter. I would rather have it with not much light at all.

Also, around this time lots of holidays are centered around the longest night. It is such a coincedence that Christmas falls around the time of the winter solstice. As if the early christians adopted a pagan holiday for such a purpose. Hmm. What does yule stand for again? How about the chunnuka, festival of light? What a coincidence that it is a celebration of light in darkness! Weird that lots of cultures celebrate this day.

MacMini Notes

Okay it’s been almost a week since I have set up my Mac Mini. Really only 5 days. I want to make note of some things that I have experienced while using it.

  1. I need an Apple specific keyboard. I am using a split keyboard that I have had since my old Dell PC Win95. It works for typing, but there are things missing. The Windows key is the Apple/Command Key. I don’t know what the Alt key is for. Honestly, I had a hard time telling what the option key was for on a Mac keyboard. The arrow keys don’t work correctly. The home, end and page down/up keys don’t work either. I know that I can always get a key mapping software and correctly map these things, but I would really like to have a Apple specific keyboard. Split keyboard. For Christmas. See my Amazon Wish List.
  2. At first, I thought that the fan was as loud as my laptop, but I am wrong. It’s quiet. The CD/DVD drive though is loud.
  3. I partitioned the drive into three partitions. 25 Gb for the system. 12 Gb for Users. 35 Gb for Data. Is that enough or should I get an external drive?
  4. I want to turn it into a file serving machine. Can anyone help me find out how to do that?
  5. Installed the dev tools on the machine after a 900 Mb download. Apple does not include the dev disk with this machine. That’s a mistake as having free dev tools is a plus in my book. How can you convince people to develop software for the OS if you don’t give them some help?
  6. Trying to figure out a synchronization issue for my machines. How do I go about maintaining two different computers with similar data? Like if I want to access files off my laptop how should I do it? This will begin to be a complicated issue once I have the third of my PPC Macs.
  7. Should I install all applications that I have on my laptop here? Or should I wait for the third machine?
  8. Tiger is pretty cool. I use the widgets a lot. I have a sudoku widget and also the Rejks widget for the Rejks museum. There pretty neat.

Overall, I am happy with my purchase. This is what I bought with my promotion.