
It looks as if this post is old news. Right now I am posting from my new MacMini, a 1.5 MHz G4, 512 Mb (must change this soon), combo drive, small form factor desktop. Now all I need to round out the last of the PPC Macs is the G5 desktop tower!

Pictures coming soon!

The 80,000lb Gorilla of the Christmas Movie Season

Looks as if my niche of movie reviewer has just been invaded by my buddy at the seed who has posted his own take on King Kong. From the title, I guess he don’t like it.

Well we saw it on the opening night, and we left the theatre with the same impression. The movie could’ve been better. I must agree with the seed that the movie should have been tightened up more. It was 3 hours that didn’t feel like 3 hours yet was feeling fully like 3 hours was passing by. The length of the film is a problem. I thought Jackson should’ve trimmed 5 minutes from each scene. I think he’s got auteur fever running through his veins. Feel the time.

Nami Watts was a pleasure to watch. She’s beautiful and I could certainly understand how Kong could fall for such a beauty. Yet, I found some of the interaction between her and the monkey kind of rediculous. I can’t believe that that monkey could’ve stayed up on that ice. I couldn’t believe the vaudeville act would work.

I regret that Jackson had to add the Jimmy character. I thought he was going to shoot the monkey in the end. What with all the build up around him. I thought he was going to be a major character, yet he turned out to be just a minor character.

Overall, it was good. Watch it for the holiday season as it is the movie to watch. Just don’t think it will be the knockout that the professional reviewers are saying it is.

3 of 5 stars.

“I don’t like the police, but I do like Kong. And what they did to Kong was wrong. It was wrong. What they did to Kong was wrong. It was a big wrong. A big W.”

Live Blogging The Amazing Race Family Edition

9:06 The recaps of the season before the finale. Bye Godlewskis!!!

9:08 Go Linzes!! Go Bransons!! Beat those Weavers!! Obviously I am not rooting for Florida.

9:10 This is a TWO HOUR finale? I don’t think my battery is going to last.

9:17 Airports and getting around faster is the total key. Damn Linzes. You need to lose the Weavers. Don’t touch him!! Sweet. Throw down.

9:22 Snow in the forecast?

9:23 Looks as if the Bransens played their hand too early. Ouch. Should’ve asked for a more earlier flight. That could be what lost it for them. We’ll see.

9:27 I’m a lumber jack and I’m okay!!

9:28 Come on Linzes! Just look around!! You stupid fucks!! Just look around!! I can’t believe we let these fools be the ones to go up against that juggarnaut that is the Weavers.

9:32 We need a bunch. Bunch. A bunch. Come on. Lot of hot chicks in Montreal.

9:40 Buckminster Fuller!! In your own!! Geodesic Dome!!! But then the fucking Weavers are going to win it all. Damn them. Just as I had called it. We need some bunching. Bunching. Bunching.

9:42 I am so disappointed with this final. A bunch of incompetents. The Bransens choosing the absolute worst road block. Don’t they realize that rolling logs takes some muscle. They really need to bunch. Come on. And the Linzes are running a pretty stupid leg. Their stupidity will kill them in the end. Read the clues. Take things fast but in a controlled manner.

9:50 God. Please drop that kid on his head. Damn. There is no God.

9:55 You can’t do this road block because your team chose the wrong person to be flying through the air. I would suggest you use the lightest on the team. Another boneheaded move for the Linzes.

10:02 Looks as if they’re sleeping in the estade olympic. Just like the Hurricane Katrina victims. And finally BUNCHING!!

10:08 Stupid Weavers. That’s the name of the game. Play or get off. I hope you have a nice 2 hour penalty. If not, this game is rigged. Be thankful you are not eating 2 lbs of caviar.

10:09 Home again for your pets. Implant a chip in your dog.

10:27 Shoe. Please no bunching.

10:34 Shoe?! That’s tough. Wally is such a negative Nelly. I wish he would just explode and shout some expletives. F&%@ this s*#t! Is your foot small, motherf@#%er! Good luck on that task Wally.

10:42 Sweet!! Smooth move Mom Weaver. Not to be in touch with your directions. You could’ve won this but that is just the wrong move.

10:43 Come on Bransens. Please don’t make the Linzes win. Damn.

10:45 Jigsaw puzzle!! Come on let’s run. Go Bransen girls and Wally.

10:51 Damn. Rhode Island!! Why do you have to be so small? O well. The stupids won. Congrats to the young ones. They had a built in advantage.

10:55 Congrats to the winners. Congrats to all the racers. This is an Amazing Race!

10:57 Season 9! Back to the original format! Back to racing around the world. Febuary. See you then.

Pinball Wizards Unite

Similar to the IMdB, I found out about the Internet Pinball DataBase, IPdB. Hooray! Another something site to peruse and waste time at work.

Pinball always reminds me of my time at the University of Miami (FL). I was always playing pinball. My favorite ended up being WhiteWater. Yet, the most famous pinball coming out of that time was The Addams Family.

You should find them all there.

Cycling book read

I am winding down on my reading for the year and have finished last week, A Significant Other: Riding the Centanary Tour de France with Lance Armstrong by Matt Rendell. This book is part of some of the books I have read about cycling. I am slowly winding down on being interested on the topic. Pretty soon I must stop reading and start riding.

The topic of this book was following Victor Hugo Pena as he was a domestique on the US Postal squad standing guard for Lance Armstrong in the 2003 Tour de France. That Tour was Armstrong’s toughest tour. He lost a time trial to Jan Ullrich, spectacularly went off roading as Joseba Beloki crashed out in the melting asphalt, toppled to the ground by a spectator, and won it with the least time between him and his competitors in any of the seven he’s won. The book focused on the 15th stage where he fell off his bike then sped on to victory.

What should’ve been a gripping story was ruined by disjointed story telling. Rendell switched from telling Pena’s tale to the history of the tour to Armstrong which made the book not so compelling. I was bored with it hoping to catch some insight to that tour. I wanted to relive the moments of that great tour, but it wasn’t to be. Rendell was telling the wrong story.



The Chronuicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe opens this week right before the 8000 lb gorilla, King Kong. Will the christian allegory beat out the gentle giant? With the current reviews of Narnia, it seems to have the edge. Lots of good reviews and hardly any naysayers.

I have watched Narnia. It’s good. Yet, I don’t know if it is a PG movie. This will be a bore to any kid under the age of 8. Lots of talking. The action doesn’t happen until the end, and some of it is downright scary.

Tilda Swinton was perfectly cast in the role of the White Witch Queen. As a youngster, I read the books. Narnia was the best fantasy world for me as a little kid up until I read Tolkien. While Narnia has its charm, Middle Earth has depth and history beyond compare. Anyway, the White Witch Queen of Narnia scared me as a young child. I think she was one of the more creepier villians in the books I read while growing up. Just her iciness was chilling. I can still remember. If you had not read the books, she was introduced in what was basically the prequel to The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, The Magician’s Nephew. In that book, she was much younger, and the description of the world in which she was from was terrifying and desolate. She was much a part of that dark world and shows it in The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. Tilda Swinton is also creepy. Look at her in Hellraiser as Gabriel. Look at her in Elizabeth. Icy. She brings that to the role, and she scared me.

Overall, the movie was good. Don’t bring your young children to it because it would bore them. The battle was cool. And it was overtly a christian tale.

4 of 5 stars

Vampires and such

You scored as Doyle. Doyle. Mysterious. Celebrant. Man in the Know. Sinful. Hedonistic. You may not be a mover-and-shaker, but you rub elbows with them. You also seem to always know more than you are telling. Because you do. You keep things close to the breast for good reason. Not much is known about you and you like to keep it that way. You have a taste for some demeritorious, but not totally unethical, things. Just watch it doesn’t take you too far, you are destined for great things.


What Buffyverse (Angel & Buffy) Character are you most like?
created with

I have no idea what all this means. Who the heck is Doyle? Anyway it seems so odd. This quiz pointed out to me via CapitolSwell

Net Meetings

I now know why they have established a net meeting protocol. I have to coordinate putting together a slied presentation for class on monday. And I only have my part done. What happened to the other stuff? We need some collaboration tools online. Tout de suite!