Alternative Deaths of Albus Dumbledore

The death of Dumbledore as written by other writers. I have not got the book just yet (I still have plenty to read on my nightstand.) but I do believe the speculation of who dies this time out. My wish was that it was Ron. Oh well maybe I will get to reading the latest Harry Potter in Septemer.

Movie Review: Charlie and The Chocalate Factory

Tim Burton’s version of Roald Daahl’s Charlie and The Chocalate Factory was an unexpected pleasing movie. Very different than my childhood favortie Willie Wonka, yet eerily similar. Plot very much the same. Supposedly, Tim Burton’s film hewed to the book much better. The most striking part was the music. The lyrics are directly from the book, but the backing rythms are today. I didn’t like it. I missed the campy oompa loompa songs of the earlier one. Danny Elfman is really becoming an annoying composer.

3 of 5 stars.

Quixotic Quest: A July book review

How to be Alone by Jonathan Franzen. A collection of essays which deal with reading or writing. It is about the insular world one escapes to when reading. As well as other essays about living the world.

It was the book I brought on vacation. I only read half of it.


Like Christmas in July

The Game Show Network (you do have to fill up the 500 channels with something) is showing The Amazing Race from season one to last year’s season seven.

Well since I started around season three, I have set my Tivo to record. (A new one with a bigger HD and cheaper too!) I am not gonna blog about it but it is good to make note of it.

Le Tour 2005

It’s July! Happy Tour de France month! Lance Armstrong looks to win it a seventh time. I think that it is a sucker’s bet to bet against the best tour rider this century. Allez, Lance!

Only thing though, I can’t find an audio feed so that I can listen in at work. Do you know where I can find a link?

Home again.

Just returned back from vacation. Will post the travel log later this week. And maybe pictures. My DirectTivo ain’t working. So tired. And the boat, she still a rocking.

Movie Review: War of the Worlds

Tom Cruise is a good actor. The Steven Spielberg’s version War of the Worlds not so good.

I wondered why make a remake anyway when it is so like the 1950s version.

I hated the fact that what was added to the story was the father healing his family and saving his imperiled children. It did not help that Dakota Fanning was one of the kids in danger. Everytime she was threatened I was rooting for the aliens.

Same lame virus ending.

2 of 5 stars.