Amazing Race Season 7 Premiere

Okay. The three weeks are up and the Amazing Race has started its world wide tour in a new season with 12 new contestant teams. This is the seventh season. I have seen three through six loving each one, but after the bicker-fest of last season the show has gotten a bit trying to watch. In fact a lot of the same stuff happened in this first episode that happened in the first episode of last season. The teams did a zip wire. They camped outside. Perhaps having the seasons back-to-back immediately is detrimental to enjoying the race, because you can remember all the ins and outs so readily. Absence does make the heart grow fonder. Hopefully, things will go smoothly as there seems to be a lack of a Victoria and Jonathons going around. Perhaps the editors are trying to make it more nice.

Anyway, back to this leg. I immediately am rooting for Rob and Amber to make it far, but not win it all. They act as if they don’t need the money, which they don’t as they have already won Survivor. They dawdled at the start, but meandered into a 3rd place finish this leg. I like that they don’t seem to be in a hurry. I also am rooting for the mom and son team more for the mom to give it her all. I was rooting for the rednecks from South Carolina, but (sorry to spoil it for you) they were eliminated this leg, in a footrace. The others I don’t have a feeling for just yet.

Here’s my prediction for the outcome of the race. Don’t hold me to it.

11 – Ryan and Chuck
10 – Megan and Heidi
9 — Lynn and Alex
8 — Meredeth and Gretchen
7 — Ron and Kelly
6 — Susan and Patrick
5 — Uchenna and Joyce
4 — Ray and Deanna
3 — Rob and Amber
2 — Debbie and Bianca
1 — Brian and Greg (The Will Ferrells!)


Pressed for time that I haven’t had a chance to post my review of Constantine. Needless to say I give it 2 of 5 stars. The review should be forthcoming.

Can I get there in a few years?

I don’t write too much about work, because I have a suspicion that if the employer ever found out I posted stuff about the job on the web then they will let me go. Better leave things unsaid. But if you read my profile, you’ll know that I am a software engineer. Coding. I would love to get around and start writing code for the Mac. Look what programming for apple can do. Lots of cool apps. Anyway, when I have some free time, I think I might want to implement some stuff for the. We’ll see how it goes.

Movie Review: Hitch

Pete’s (of APCB) day job is to review movies. I read his take before watching the movie. It is one that I agree upon. The movie is good for the time frame that it is released, solid for a romantic comedy, and well crafted by everyone involved. Naturally, seeing it the day before Valentine’s day meant lots of couples. Seeing it as a Sunday matinee meant lots of Jewish couples. Seeing it the first weekend meant a crowded theatre. I imagine that it business will be good for Will Smith this weekend.

Romatic comedies always make me squirm. You may know this about me if you read the previous post, but I like movies to end with the boy not getting the girl. Yet all romantic comedies end with the boy and girl living happily ever after. Hitch is no different, but after watching In Good Company yesterday, Hitch is like a breath of fresh air. It made me happy and I am a sucker for movies that make me feel good. (Man I must like a lot of different films!)

As a movie, Hitch follows the normal conventions as other romantic comedies. Boy and girl meet cute. Boy established a rapport with the girl. That rapport is messed up usually by a Three’s Company like misunderstanding. Boy tries to re-establish the rapport, but is rebuffed. Then the third reel unrolls and the boy wins the girl back in the end. And they lived. Happily. Ever. After. Will Smith is charming in this film. Eva Mendes could’ve been hotter. I was especially attracted to the Allegra Cole girl. Anyone know who she is? Short haired blondes do it for me every time. The movie was enjoyable. It would be a wonderful date movie. Now if only I had a date doctor myself to fix me up…

3 of 5 stars.

Movie Review: In Good Company

I must admit that I love movies without a trite Hollywood ending where the hero dies or, especially, does not get the girl. Sorry if I spoiled this movie if you hadn’t seen it already, but that was what I had thought about coming out of the theatre. It must be the loner/cynic in me that gets off in seeing others lose. It is not that I find joy in the character losing the girl, but that I sympathise with the character’s loss. In a sense, I know that I too am that guy.

In Good Company isn’t really about anything I had just explained. Yes, Topher Grace does not get what’s-her-name? in the end. The star was really Dennis Quaid. He’s on a roll of sorts in the last few years after his public cuckolding by Meg Ryan. He has acted in a few notable films and garnered some respectables reviews. Good for him. Topher Grace acted very well. He epitomizes youth not truly knowing what they are doing, but just saying a lot of hip jargon to conceal their inexperience.

I am giving this movie a middle of the road rating, less for how it played and more for the contrived story. The lesson learned is one that has been told often. Your elders have wisdom beyond your years. I could’ve gotten that from reading a blog. So, the movie was well acted, liked the somewhat somber ending, but hated the preaching.

3 of 5 stars.

Amazing Race 6 wrapup

The end of Amazing Race 6 was incredible. I know I said that I wasn’t excited, but damn if it didn’t turn out that way. I was jumping up and down as the end drew near hoping that Kris and John could pull it off. Sadly, no. They trusted the American Airlines guy who gave them bad advice arriving in Chicago, the final city, 15 minutes later than Freddy and Kendra. I love that this show makes me agitated when watching it. My prediction came true and Freddy and Kendra won the million dollars. Congrats to them. I am especially enamoured of Kris who was a total trooper and proved that she can keep up with the big boys. Kris and John was a total team and there was no weak link in it. Kris never seemed to not be up in doing a roadblock. She was fearless. I would say that if I had a girlfriend I would like her to be just like Kris. Amazing.

See you in three weeks when Amazing Race 7 starts up.

Last leg of Amazing Race 6

Okay, I haven’t been posting about the Amazing Race lately, because it just hasn’t excitetd me this time around. I think that it is because I don’t like any of the final contestants left. Plus, their bickering has put a damper on the contest that it is hard to be excited about it. That said, tonight is the season finale. I’ll be watching, and like the rest of those interested, I’ll be rooting for Kris and Jon. It will probably be Freddy and Kendra who win it though.

Bill and Ted’s Lost ebay bid.

One of the first things that I had tried bidding on on ebay was a full set of Bill and Ted comics issues 1-12. Last minute sniping pushed it from my $15.00 bid to $25.00 which I thought was too rich for my blood. I should’ve doubled down. Imagine my gall that I missed out on the complete set, and that they have become hard to find as a complete set. Imagine, also, someone actually wanting a full set of this comic. Why would anyone want to own one issue let alone 12 issues of the lame early 90s comic adaption of a pre-matrix Keanu flick? Well, it was one of the earlier works of Evan Dorkin of Milk and Cheese fame. I had bought issue 12 when in college just because Bill and Ted’s Bogus Journey was one stupid funny flick. Little did I know that the writer and artist would end up being my favorite comic author.

Anyway, Evan Dorkin is releasing the Bill and Ted comic in a bound paperback. I must make my way to the local comic shop. As Milk and Chees would’ve said, “Onward to mayhem!”

Super Bowl XXXIX prediction

Hoped for: Patriots 14 :: Eagles 24
Actual: Patriots 21 :: Eagles 17

Can’t stand for the New England area to be champions in both baseball and football within several months of each other. The whiniest of all sports fans are least deserving. It would be great to have McNabb win one once. Plus, TO getting a ring would be awesome. Can you imagine the mouth going off!