Happy New Year!
Well hopefully 2005 will go better than 2004. Out with the old. In with the new. Happy New Year to all!
Well hopefully 2005 will go better than 2004. Out with the old. In with the new. Happy New Year to all!
There was nothing really scary about this film. Except for the fact that I went and saw it. What a crock! So it wasn’t scary. If you saw every Twilight Zone episode, you would’ve seen this one.
2 fo 5 stars.
Went and saw this today. As an action flick it was pretty mediocre. Not much to say about it. I will not remember this movie next year. Catch it on HBO this summer.
3 of 5 stars.
The Amazing Race had a clip show to fill in the newbies on what’s been happening for this season. I was rather disappointed that it was a clip show, but figured that no one is watching TV during the holidays so it was better than nothing. Once again it shows us the hotties who gave us the line of the year. That Kristy is awesome. I miss them. I keep wanting them to come back. They have been my most favorite team, ever. I can’t wait til next year for the next episode. See you then.
Not all movies I have seen were big-budget, studio, summer, super-blockbusters. I have seen a few small indie films this year, the latest of which is Imelda, the documentary about the ex-first lady of the Philippines. I sat through it in the local art house cinema, The Charles. While somewhat interesting, I don’t get the point of the film. Were we supposed to sympathize with her plight? Was she an accomplice to the destruction of the Philippines? Was she misunderstood? The director did not get a point about Imelda across in the film. It unspooled like an autobiography that was too even handed. It stated the facts, presented the history, but didn’t filter her story through her life. I wish she made me feel something for Imelda, but I didn’t and left the theatre ambivilant about both her and the film
3 of 5 stars.
Here’s a link to Project Gutenberg’s entry for the classic tale of Christmas ghosts, bah-humbugs, crippled children and the fat goose in the butcher’s window. Of course, it’s Dicken’s “A Christmas Carol.” What would Christmas be without it?
… As determined by me.
So 2005 draws closer, and to say good bye to 2004, I turn to the tired cliche of a year end list. This list is a list of the highest ranking movies that I saw (and blogged about) from this year. It is incomplete for the year because I had started this blog back in May. My ranking system was n number of stars out of 5, so to compile a best-of list, I chose those movies with 4 or 5 stars. So without further ado, and in no particular order, here they are.
There you have 7 movies that I rated 4 or 5 out of 5 stars. I would’ve liked to keep this as a top 5 list, but I didn’t want to shortchange any of my reviews.
The NY Times writes a story on Festivus, that make believe holiday from the classic Seinfeld episode. December 23 is the actual date. Circle the date on your calendar. Add a reminder in your iCal. It shall go down, along with Talk Like A Pirate Day, September 19, as one of the greatest of fake holidays. Celebrate the day.
Why’d CBS think people want to see a show on culture rather than the Amazing Race? Thank god I got a season pass. This leg finds the racers going to Budapest. That trebi car is cool. It reminded me of the Simpsons episode with Mr. Plow. “Put it in H.” “What country is this from?” This episode ends in a cliffhanger, but I think those are the last we see of Bolo. Damn, that team grows on you.
It is December and Christmas. One of my favorite times of the year. When it gets cold, which it hasn’t been until the past week, and when it gets dark at 4:30, then it is time for some fun. Christmas! I haven’t appreciated it, but it is good, the shopping not withstanding. So for everyone, enjoy and Season’s Greetings!