Last night I dreamt of S. The previous night I dreamt of I. Both of them are girls that I had major affection for. S being the latest about 8 years ago. It is very strange and disturbing that I had dreamt about them both in consecutive nights. Here is what I remember of the dreams.
The previous night was about I. She was my grade school crush. In this dream, I was back visiting our grade school because they were having a fair or flea market. I had gone because a friend was getting married there. I was dressed in a suit. I saw her standing there looking at items on a table. She was older than I remembered her to be. I guess that the years seperating the last time I saw her made my memory advance her age. I didn’t get to say anything to her as I was bumping into friends who were there for the wedding also. I catch a glimpse of her again, and I decide to talk to her. She is standing there looking across the field with some friends. She was taking pictures with a camera with a modest zoom lense. One of her friends was a guy. He helped stabilize her from behind. I did not want to disturb them both, so I feigned talking to her. I passed her by. Again, I bump into friends this time the bride. I decide I really need to talke to I. I run after her, but she has disappeared. I run to the front of the school. She’s not there. I realize that that was the last I will have seen of her, and walk dejectedly back to the wedding. They are unloading chairs from a dump truck for the wedding.
Last night was S’s turn to visit my dreams. In this one, I was working out at a gym. She just happened to be there. I bummped into her and we were both surprised to see each other. I think I was introducing a friend to her. While we were discussing some exercise related maneuver. I think I had tripped over something and fallen into her. I landed on her thighs. They felt great. I must have disgusted her when that happened. She went to change. So did I. Except I went to the bathroom. In a rush, I ran to meet up with her hoping to ask her out for some coffee. She was avoiding me. Moving from me quickly. I cornered her. She was reluctant to talk. I, being my loser self, never got to ask her out. She left. I silently practiced, “Would you like to go get some coffee?” Hoping to use it, but I now know that I won’t ever. What is most vivid about this dream is her face. A very pretty brunette with big brown eyes.
Their return in my dreams saddens me. I know I will never see them again. I hope they are doing well wherever they are. I am lonely.