Fright night

Happy Holloween. Here’s a list of scary things to do tonight.

  1. Read the Raven by Edgar Allen Poe.
  2. Watch a scary episode of the x-files.
  3. Read a ghost story.
  4. Watch a scary movie.
  5. Scare some trick or treaters
  6. Think about 4 more years of Bush

What will you be doing tonight?

Astronomy porn

I used to visit NASA’s astronomy picture of the day almost everyday. Fascinating photos and informational tidbits about certain celestial wonders. If you love looking up at the myriad of stars in the night sky, then this site should be in your list of bookmarks. Maybe it should even be your homepage. Make it so.

Delicious Library

Delicious Library is going to be one of the next programs going on my TiBook. I have a lot of books, and need to create a library in my office for them, and this piece of software would be great to help organize it.

The Grudge

Finally, after a couple of weeks of less than appealing movies appearing in the theatres, along comes The Grudge. It is October, the Holloween month, so therefore at least one scary movie should show up on screen to frighten audiences.

Firstly, I can’t really watch scary movies, because I am either hiding my eyes behind my fingers missing all the scary action or averting my gaze. I don’t like the sudden jolt of the scare, and I won’t be able to go to sleep comfortably at night. So, The Grudge scared me even though we caught a matinee. I don’t know if I would’ve been able to sleep alone in my house if we caught it later that night, even so I ended up sleeping on the couch with the lights and TV on, which was even more scarier because my couch is a at the foot of my stairs, and I could imagine the Grudge ghost coming down them. Yikes!

Overall, it wasn’t that great of a scary movie. Again The X-Files already have done an episode similar to this one. A haunted house, which is usually the scene of my favorite ghost stories, manifests the evil done in it, so that residents experience it in all to physical ways. The plot is usual. The scares are alright. The non-linear story telling somewhat confusing, but useful in telling two different tales at the same time. The Grudge follows all ghost story conventions.

Questions for those who have seen it. Why is the dead wife the malevolent spirit? Wouldn’t she be trying to seek justice rather than inflicting the pain on others as was inflicted upon her? Did Sarah Michelle Gellar bite it in the end? Was the pathologist also a ghost? What happened to the other detective? The policemen on the scene? The realtor? Did they meet a grisly end? Hmmm?

3 of 5 stars.

Girls in glasses

I don’t know why guys don’t find girls in glasses attractive. I find them down right hot. Tina Fey, hot! Racheal Harris, hot! I think it comes from my first crush being a girl who wore glasses. I wonder if she still does or did she eventually get laser eye surgery. Girls in glasses are damn sexy. Please, if you are a girl with some seeing problems forcing you to wear corrctive lenses, stay that way and avoid the temptation for laser eye surgery. If you are a girl who has perfect vision, get some fake glasses. You’ll look damn sexy in them. And when you do give me a call.