
Who still uses Windows95 nowadays? I do. Ain’t that a bitch of an OS? Its on an 8 year old Dell with a 233MHz Pentium chip. This thing is a dinosaur.

Why am I talking about old hardware? Just recently I have decided that it was time to give up on dial-up so I have ordered DSL. DSL? The local cable co has a freaking monopoly on the cable system in my county, and until they have competition then I won’t be giving them money. But anyway, I am trying to add ethernet to this box. What a pain in the ass. Installing the hardware was easy, but the drivers was hard. I tried for an hour to get the “Add Hardware” utility to recognize the card. I rebooted a dozen times, but still no luck. Finally, it works. Unfortunately, I had to change the IRQ for my modem to avoid an IRQ conflict. What the hell?

Once I have my DSL modem installed, I’ll see how the set up works.

Who supports him?

Watch these ads that feature previous Bush voters. Effective in getting across the message that Bush is wrong for the country. When people sympathetic to your world view are abandoning you, then something truly has to be wrong. Maybe people are finally waking up to the realization that Bush has been terrible for the country.

Link via Kevin Drum.

Last night during the VP debates, the Vice President mentioned a website, in order to present the straight facts. It wasn’t where he had wanted them to visit. If you click the link, you’ll see that it takes you to George Soros’s website. Splashed on the page in big bold letters is “President Bush is endangering our safety, hurting our vital interests, and undermining American values.” Geeze. It couldn’t get anymore comical than that.

Friends in high places

My friend, Wyman Lee, has got a personal web site going on. I couldn’t tell if its an actual blog, but it looks as if it is considering its got posts and all. I see that he has posted about the Amazing Race. Check it out. But turn on your pop-up blocker, because its a Lycos server.

Learning to Cook

I need to learn to cook. I saw Racheal Ray do this barbecued succotash which I have a few of the ingredients already in my cupboard. She’s one of my favorites. Thirty minute meals! She makes it look so easy that I can delude myself into thinking that I could make some of her recipes.

I also love watching Good Eats. Alton Brown is kind of a nerdy chef who treats cooking liking writing a program. He makes things so scientific that it makes me want to cook.

Actually, I rarely have the chance to cook. Keep stopping by mom’s. I need to learn to cook, so that when I get a girlfriend, I can cook for her.

Going to Space.

It seems after Burt Rutan won the X Prize they are going to offer some form of commercial space flights to people. I don’t think I have the intestinal fortitude for it, but if you like you can try out the zero gravity roller coaster flights that are being offered. Cue Star Trek them… “Space. The Final Frontier….”

Wasting Time

I am at work wasting time. Most of the things I have to do are done, and I don’t feel like putting any effort into getting something new to do. I am acting busy, but I am not. This is a post to that effect.