Who still uses Windows95 nowadays? I do. Ain’t that a bitch of an OS? Its on an 8 year old Dell with a 233MHz Pentium chip. This thing is a dinosaur.
Why am I talking about old hardware? Just recently I have decided that it was time to give up on dial-up so I have ordered DSL. DSL? The local cable co has a freaking monopoly on the cable system in my county, and until they have competition then I won’t be giving them money. But anyway, I am trying to add ethernet to this box. What a pain in the ass. Installing the hardware was easy, but the drivers was hard. I tried for an hour to get the “Add Hardware” utility to recognize the card. I rebooted a dozen times, but still no luck. Finally, it works. Unfortunately, I had to change the IRQ for my modem to avoid an IRQ conflict. What the hell?
Once I have my DSL modem installed, I’ll see how the set up works.