Dr. Strange in the Multiverse of Madness

If you need to watch one multiverse movie this year make it Everything Everywhere All at Once. But if you need one from the Marvel Cinematic Universe then I guess Dr. Strange in the Multiverse of Madness fits the bill. The former is the better movie. The latter is just okay.

To be honest, I should’ve written this review a while ago, so I don’t really know what to say as my memory of it is hazy. I guess I should’ve also watched the Scarlet Witch series to get how much her grief has done to her. It’s really so long ago that Everything Everywhere All at Once is just about to be released on video and streaming services.

Anyhow. Be a completionist and watch this film to piece together the next phase of the MCU. And go watch Everything Everywhere All at once because it is that damn good.

3 of 5 stars.

Well Regulated

Damn. Again.

Once more? Once not enough? Once is too much.

Another school shooting happened today and it makes me sick. It shouldn’t happen, but it does.

And we can’t find the cojones to do something about it.

Oh. We do. We’ll just give everyone more guns.

Is it too much to ask if this is all we can do?

“You drank too much of Max’s Spookadelic punch, and wound up makin’ out with that girl from accounting that smells like garbage.”

Shang-Chi and the Legend of Ten Rings is just one of the upcoming movies to kick off the next phase of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. It’s a kung-fu flick and also a superhero movie as well. It’s got an all Asian cast, which is a first for an MCU film. It is also a film that starts out good, but then falls down upon itself as it fits into a Marvel film with a big bang of an ending.

I thought the action wasn’t bad. I wish we would get more kung-fu flicks in the west. I found it lame that we had to get the big crazy fight at the end — like it had to justify its existence as an MCU movie. I would’ve loved to have seen Tony Leung be more badass. I found that he was somewhat wasted with a disappointing arc. I want to see more and we are going to get a sequel. I guess I’ll watch.

3 of 5 stars.

Nothing to Talk About

Just checking in.

I noticed last month, July 2021, had a single post. If you check the drop down below, you’ll find that it was the single month in my 16 years (!) of this blog with the least amount of posts. There were a few with only a couple of posts, but July 2021 has won the prize. Of course, there may be a month I’ve missed. I don’t know.

I guess I have nothing more to say? Or I am too lazy.

Yeah. We’ll go with the last.

So will I be lazy again.

Only time will tell.

This is the first post for this month. Can I get a second in?


I voted!

I think that’s not all that needs to be said. Vote Democrat.

If you’re voting Republican, then don’t. Go away!