Covid-19 Days – 18

Yesterday I thought I had the rona. Today I don’t think I have the rona. Tomorrow who knows. I feel non-well, and I can’t tell if it is the rona or not. Perhaps I am frightened into feeling like I have the virus. It is all terribly confusing and frustrating.

Now we are truly locked up. The governor has issued the stay-at-home mandate. Except, I’m in an industry that is deemed essential and I have note that should get me through the blockades if needed. I don’t want to go to work. I don’t even want to do any work. I just want to lie in bed and worry about the world. I can’t tell if it is the rona responsible for my lethargy or if it’s naturally occurring because of staying cooped up for two weeks. It has been trying times, but that’s how it will go for the foreseeable future.

Now. I will bake some bread

Covid-19 Days – 16

Because all sports has stopped we now have to rely our alternatives. It seems Sundays are now the provenance of Marbula1, marble racing! It’s come to this. Watching and rooting for marbles.

Go Orangers!

Covid-19 Days – 15

If not for me, I do it for the olds and the youngs and the vulnerables. Staying indoors. Staying home. Staying away from people. It’s the only way to keep from getting or spreading the rona.

So we’re also getting more stories about the effects of the rona. It’s scary. I don’t want to contract it. The idea of not being able to breathe is the most frightening. It’s like drowning, my most feared of ways to die. Let’s hope this is not the way we go out.

Keep safe everyone and be smart when you go out.

Covid-19 Days – 14

It’s been a fortnight since I’ve started blogging about this ridiculous situation we find ourselves in. It’s been posts about how I feel, what I’ve been doing, and a smattering of posts with helpful information. Today, here’s one: Apple Corona Virus App.

I’ve downloaded and it asks a series of questions to help you diagnose if you have the rona. It’s simple, free, and available from the app store. It tells me I don’t have the rona, but that I should practice social distancing. Been doing that for 2 weeks now.

It’s funny because Siri can also provide you information if you have the rona as well. Just ask it and it will run down a list for you to answer. It also tells me I don’t have the rona.

Covid-19 Days – 13

Triskaidekaphobia, the fear of the number 13. It’s irrational, but currently so is the world. One day we’ll make sense of how bungled this badly. And heads should roll because of it. Figuratively and literally. THE TUMBRELS!

It seems America has surpassed China and Italy in the number of people infected with the rona. It’s probably even more since testing isn’t really being done. “I see nothing,” says Donald Trump, and we all pay for his narcissism.

Then we find out that Obama’s administration put in some work to game plan a response to such a situation. Read it for all its worth. It’s a plan, but it was a black man’s plan and the racist Republicans would not want anything to do with it. Smart of Obama. The Republicans dumb as turds.

It’s irrational and I know that we’re going to have to live with them for another four years.

Covid-19 Days – 12

Be prepared. That’s the Boy Scouts’ motto. I highly doubt we were ready for this. Even if we’ve been home for weeks, there are things we miss. We can never be 100% prepared.

Today, my nephew calls me up and wants to do online schooling in my house. At his, the wifi is saturated with everyone being home and using the network. I told him we all need to self-segregate, so I denied him. I was mainly worried that he would just be goofing off, and I’ve got no time for that. But also, maybe I’m a bit selfish. Maybe. Just a bit.

So I went about trying to solve his problem: the wifi network is saturated. I decided that he should get off the wifi network and straight jack into the router. The problem here is he’s got a newish MacBook with only USB-C connections — no ethernet port. We’ve got to get him a USB-C ethernet dongle.

I look to see if anything is open. I check BestBuy. They’ve got curb side pick up and are open until the 6 PM. I place my order for a USB-C hub with an ethernet port. Picked up and dropped off with him. Turns out, though, his dad was trying to upgrade the wifi router! Still, I think it’s best to get off the wifi.

So that reminds me. I need to update my satchel of computing tools for a more modern computing milieu. I need to be prepared for next time.

Covid-19 Days – 11

They’ve postponed the Olympics until next year. Well, I’m wondering if traveling to Japan in the summer is going to be on the cheap. Like all that capacity and nothing to show for it…. Look into it for my birthday. Unless, of course, we are still experiencing covid-19 days.

Covid-19 Days – 10

Double digits baby! We did it! Smokes if ya got ’em!

Seriously. Now on this day, the governor has asked non-essential businesses to close. Things like the bookstore or Macy’s are non-essential. Things like liquor stores, banks, and RoFo are. What? What?! Can we get beer all day and all night to alleviate this craziness? I’m just going to drink my whiskey. Later. Not now, but definitely later.

Anyhow, we’re gonna be here for a long haul. I think mid-April. It’s really kind of weird as now we don’t have a place to go. Like do we visit our families? Or are we all holed up in our own places?

We are really in serious jeopardy here, and it has only begun.