Link of the Day [3.12.20]

It’s nuts right now. The governor has taken steps to mitigate the spread of the corona virus, COVID-19. Schools closing. Events suspended or postponed. Even baseball is not going to happen at the end of the month. Here we go. Like a zombie apocalypse.

I was in CostCo this evening and the lines were crazy. I walked in and out! Luckily, I had shopped earlier this week, but I didn’t truly stock up. The Spam was gone — only two tins. I thought to myself, “Man, is it so bad that white people have resorted to buying Spam?”

Keep safe and practice good hygiene. Wash your hands. I would say don’t touch your face, but I know you can’t help it. I can’t help it. We are in this together and we’re going to need to cooperate to make it through safely.


Book Store Haul 2020!

I haven’t done one of these in a while, but since I dropped a pretty penny on several books, I thought this would be a fun thing to blog about.

Am I a software engineer still? Do I still like thinking about the process in software development? Did I just buy some books on aspects of software development that I won’t ever get to apply in my software development? I guess these four books answers in the affirmative.

At work, I’ve been shoveled into the not-architect group within our group. That’s okay. I don’t like how they play over there anyway, but I still like to think about things. I will try to read these books and apply them to my work life.

Link of the Day [2.19.20]

Nogizaka46 Saito Asuka, Umezawa Minami, and Yamashita Mizuki going to star in the live adaptation of the hit anime, Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken. I think the anime nerds are against it as the anime is just showing now. Plus, when they find out it’s idols, they’ll be really up in arms.

Me. I love ’em, so I can’t wait.

Quote of the Day [11.20.19]

I want nothing
I want nothing
I want no quid pro quo.
Tell Zellinksky
to do the
Right Thing.
This is the final word 
from the Pres.
of the U.S.

Donald Trump

“Well, it wasn’t even jail. It was juvie.”

Link of the Day [9.21.19]

Twenty-four singles and for each they change their uniform. These are just their everyday garb. They also have a costume for when they perform the songs from that single.

I like the later ones than the earlier ones. I’m partial to the winter ones with stockings in place of socks. I like the ones with jackets and vests. The skirt length has gotten longer,

Anyhow, go check out the youngest in Nogizaka as she wears all the 24 uniforms. There’s even a bonus few more representing each successive generation.

Link of the Day [8.27.19]

I’m hoping you are reading this in your RSS reader of choice. I especially hope, if you’re on a Mac, that you’re reading this in the re-release of NetNewsWire. It was an old RSS reader for the Mac back during the early 00’s when blogging was fun. It’s back in the late teens because blogging is still fun. Go, download it now, if you want a better RSS reader. Their iOS app is forthcoming.