
Happy Halloween! Don’t turn out the lights!
I am too lazy to sort
Happy Halloween! Don’t turn out the lights!
Yamashita’s graduation song. Not sure what to make of it. Is disco back? Personally, I wanted something better for her. It didn’t happen. It’s an okay song, but has too much cringe worthy English parts. If it went without them, maybe it would’ve been better.
At their inception, Nogizaka46 was the official rival of AKB48. Debuting in 2011, it took Nogizaka46 seven years to overtake their rivals and become Japan’s top mainstream idol act.
Today, Nogizaka46 are the rivals to a new idol group produced again by Akimoto Yasushi. The new group is 「僕が見たかった青空」(“Boku ga Mitakatta Aozora”) or “The Blue Sky I Wanted to See.”
How long until they overtake Nogizaka46?
I spent the usual hour on a Sunday at my local Barnes & Noble. I bought a book, a cook book, and some ice tea in bags. It was all on sale about 40% off because they are closing out the store. In month, they will be moving into their new digs just across the parking lot. They’re downsizing and converting to a different store format.
If you’ve been in an brick and mortar Amazon bookstore, then you’ll know what it will be like. It will be an end to wandering on Sundays amongst the shelves just browsing for everything and nothing. It will be the end of white mocas because they will no longer have a cafe. It will be the end of the semi-annually Criterion sale because they will not have music and video section. It will be a smaller selection of books to browse. It won’t have the bookstore feeling anymore to it. It will be just a store.
It will save me money, but I’ll be more sad. I won’t have a place to wander around anymore. I won’t have a place to go when bored. It’s an end of an era.
Here’s to 29 years of The X-Files goodness. It’s always great to hear that opening riff. I miss the simpler times when conspiracy minded people were truly crackpots.
It wasn’t too long ago that I had asked what happened to the movie reviews on this blog. Strangely enough that very weekend I finally watched Spider-Man: No Way Home in the theaters. That was at the end of January a month or so ago, and still no review.
Well, today I remembered that I had a review of Spider-Man to write.
It’s been a long time so I don’t really remember the film. Was it good? I was glad to see the return of all the Spider-Men, Tobey and Andrew. I thought they still had too many villains. Even now I don’t remember why they were there. Do you? If you do, please tell me.
3 of 5 stars.
So yeah. I really didn’t follow up on this. Again I am missing Day 3 and Day 4. It’s more of the same. She’s eating. She’s pooping. She’s doing more than she’s done before.
You see, I’ve taken care of her before. The last time she barely ate anything. It took a few days, and after a bit I had to feed her some rice so that she would eat. Since she wasn’t eating. She wasn’t doing her business. I was worried.
This time she’s more normal. I just think it’s been more fun this time. I’ve left her to wander the house. There’s only a day left one more until the masters come home.
My brother’s on vacation taking my niece and his family to play some golf in the Florida sun. On these occasions when he’s out having fun, he asks me to take care of his dog. I can’t complain. I love that dog. At least it is not the guinea pigs.
Today was a better day to see him than yesterday, Day 1. Yeah. There isn’t a Day 1 post because I only thought about this idea today. I had left her alone at home, and I felt sad about it.
So yesterday, I showed up around lunch time and it looked like she had been crying. Sleep covered her eyes and she took some time getting up out of her bed. She was not enjoying being alone for the day. I tried to take her outside, but she’s stubborn with me and doesn’t do her business at all. She ate some though which is more than she has done before.
On to today and why I am writing about it. She ate some food! Like all the kibble in the bowl. Then she also did her business. This is the first time since I had to take care of her that she did. I gave her a well deserved, “Good girl!” Then I left her alone. We’ll see about tomorrow.
Erika-sama for the 10th Anniversary Best of Album giving us a cute rendition of 「ロマンスのスタート」You do know that by the end of the month and the end of the year Erika-sama will have ended her idol career and graduated from Nogizaka46.
She’s still best girl.
And I wish her all the happiness in the world.
One more year coming to its end. Here we are at Thanksgiving. The rona still around. It’s the new normal, but we’re still hanging out with friends and family. That means there’s some things that are nice to be thankful for…
Piano playing, eccentric idols. Purple. Nogizaka46. Team 963. Idols of Japan. Baseball. M1 Max. Space gray. Food. Drink. Movies. Sunny days. Rainy days. Hats and sweaters. Shorts and a t-shirt. Swimming. Biking. Walking. Running. Living. Eating. Loving. Internet. Dogs. Being here. It’s all there. 1期、2期、3期、4期、5期。
There’s a lot to be grateful for. I’m sure I am missing things. I wish you and yours a Happy Thanksgiving!
Is there something you’re thankful for?