The Disaster Artist

I have never seen The Room, the movie that was the basis for The Disaster Artist. Maybe I should’ve because I didn’t understand how weird the movie was — The Room and not The Disaster Artist. That Tommy guy was freaky-deaky. I wonder how weird he was in the movie — The Room and not The Disaster Artist. I wonder if there really was a gay subtext to those dudes relationship. But it would be too weird to think of the brothers Franco in such as situation. Too weird. I don’t understand. Need to watch The Room except that was enough of it for a lifetime.

Not sure how that could be a cult hit — The Room and not The Disaster Artist.

It would be worth a watch — The Disaster Artist and not The Room.

3 of 5 stars.

Bookstore Haul 2: Vol 13. Twas the Night Before Christmas

Today I am not gonna list out the haul. That’s because I bought your present. I don’t want to spoil it, so you’ll have to wait until the 25th for a better understanding of this blog post.

Of course, I didn’t report the first time I went for presents last week. It’s still the same. If I could, I would get all presents at the bookstore. They don’t just have books. They have other stuff. Games. Toys. Cards. Just stuff for presents.

And I get a discount. Which came in handy. Last week it was an extra 10% on top of the 10% discount of being a member. This week it was 20%. Plus, I had coupons. So I saved on my presents. Cool.

Merry Yule to you to!

Glittery Paper. Sucks!

Started to begin the wrapping of presents. Rummaged around the closet for the big roll of Christmas wrap. Won’t you know it it’s gone. In it’s place is another roll. This one’s close to done, too. I must use it.

Unfortunately, it’s a glittery kind.

Now I remember. I bought it last year towards the last days before Christmas when most of the rolls were gone from the local Target. Desperate straights. I need to wrap the final presents so here it was.

I also remember that it would leave a smattering of glitter all over the place. I have it now on my pants. But last Christmas, it was all under the tree. Ridiculous.

I wrapped one present in this glittery Christmas wrap, and I’m done with it.

I should get to Target before they’re all out of wrap. I was there earlier and it looked like there was still a ton left. Crossing my fingers…

Eye Test

Went for the annual eye exam this morning in the early snow.

Now lately, I’ve been trying to learn Japanese via the duolingo app. I’m on my longest streak of 8 days.

Anyhow, while sitting in the chair and looking at the eye chart, when the letters went fuzzy they looked like hiragana. So much so that I was really tempted to pronounce them when the doctor asked what I saw.

Maybe. Just maybe. I’m starting to learn Japanese.

Ievan Polkka Redux?

Ikuta doing a Christmas Show for MTV Unplugged Japan.

I would try to get tickets but I think there’s something important about December 25. Something about family.

Anyhow. I wonder how many Nogi songs she will sing? And how many she will play the piano on? Maybe if she’s still playing we will get her on the sanshin, a traditional Okinawan string instrument?

Justice League

Justice League is not Batman v Superman. It’s better. It’s directed by Zak Snyder, and yet it isn’t. Justice League had a very low bar to make it over. It did. Low expectations made the movie bearable. Don’t believe the bad reviews. It is a perfectly cromulent superhero movie. It would be a low wattage Marvel film like the first two Thors, but as a DC film it is one of the better ones. Not too hard to beat out the others. Not too hard to be beat again by better DC films, if they come along.

It’s decent for a Holiday film. Watch it. And make mine Marvel!

3 of 5 stars.