“Hey Dave, last chance for Chock.”

It is not a horror movie. It is more an adventure with horror overtones — sort of a “Goonies” with Sloth being a very scary, creepy clown. The merry band of kids go on this adventure to rid the town of frightening Pennywise. They lived happily ever after. End Part One. Afterwards, I wasn’t scared to go to sleep with the lights off.

I’ve never seen “Stranger Things,” but one of the casts of It is from there. This film had a feel of that television show. First, because of the setting in the 80s. Next, because it seems to find kids who are free to roam around their town. Finally, because I have a feeling that It was modeled after the show. I’m sure I’m wrong, but in other ways I’m sure I’m right.

Not a bad film. Over the weekend I also caught the 90s version of It on television. Very, very different. Now I know what to look forward to in the second part.

3 of 5 stars.

“Don’t mind Dave. His callous mask hides his grief. You know what they say, little man, big emotion.”

I watched Annabelle: Creation. Maybe “watched” is a strong word, because I watched it from behind my fingers. Was it too scary? Not really, but I always watch scary movies from behind a veil of fingers. It’s a habit.

Not sure why I like too, but I do.

Scratch that I like to watch the scary movies because of the heeby-jeebies it gives me. I like the goosebumps up my arm. I like going home in the dark and wondering if I should leave the lights on. I like sleeping to the glow of the television if not to the light on. It’s weird but it’s fun.

Anyhow. Annabelle is a prequel to the first Annabelle film which itself was a prequel to the first Conjuring film. It wasn’t stupid scary like The Conjuring was and it doesn’t have the evil character like the Nun from the second Conjuring. She’s there but in a great cameo. LOL.

There were a few things that bugged me. There always is. Like that damn scarecrow. Why even have that? Then there’s the Demon. There’s too much of it.

Overall, that doll is still the scariest thing out there.

3 of 5 stars.

“Good work, Dave. It takes a real man to crumble under pressure so fast.”

Let’s start of 2017’s NewsRadio Quote Month with a rocker.

BabyMetal death!

If there must only be one Nakamoto sister, I prefer Himetan and her lovely beam (ひめたんベーム!). But that won’t be possible come her graduation. So we’ll have to have the imouto, SUMetal. I believe she’s got a voice and poise better than Techi from Keyaki-chans. She would give her a run for the money.

So. The fox god will guide us well this month.

Just Posting Something That Was In Draft… Again

The following should’ve been a Link of the Day at the end of July. It’s what I was going to post while drinking one of those lagers, but iPad Pro kind of sucks at blogger’s web interface. Plus I was also drunk at the time…

Link of the Day [7.28.17]

“This Tampa-style Lager is inspired by the traditional German-style Helles, which translates to “light colored.” Perfect for the Florida heat, it’s a beer that’s made for drinkin’ when it’s truly hotter than helles outside.”


Spider-Man: Homecoming

Spider-Man: Homecoming is no Spider-Man 2, but at least it isn’t as unlikeable as The Amazing Spider-Man 2.

I almost said this one was as good as 2. Almost. It at least made you care for and like Peter Parker. Of course, if you watched close enough it followed 2 very closely in emotional beats. It was very much the same film. And that’s why I knocked it down a bit.

I liked Peter Parker, but he’s such a kid.

4 of 5 stars.

Baby Driver

I didn’t think this was Edgar Wright’s masterpiece. You can’t beat his Coronetto Trilogy. Baby Driver tries, but sure can’t. It did have a funny moment with Mike Myers, but that would be funny.

Anyhow, I saw this a while ago. I don’t remember much. But I’m sure I would watch this on FXX when they show it and I’ll enjoy it then, too.

3 of 5 stars.