Taxes Amongst Us


From what I’m hearing, it’s gonna be brutal. GOP voters complaining.


You knew what you were voting for.

I always relied on the refund to help pay for a vacation or something. Looks like I don’t have that to look forward to.

Feels like we need another tax cut for the rich!

The Upside

What? A new year? A new set of movie reviews to sit in my queue and not get done until three weeks have passed. Here’s the first one for 2019, for The Upside. It’s the Kevin Hart vehicle that wants to make him a serious actor. Yet, the film had been categorized as a comedy. There are laughs, but it isn’t a Kevin Hart comedy.

Actually, there were chuckles and bemused smiles. Laughs, gut-belly laughs, were hard to come by. It was about a paraplegic needing to connect with living again. Kevin Hart was supposed to be the one to do that. A tough inner city dude showing the rich how to live. Is that how it works? Maybe in film. In real life, I’m sure that’s complicated.

This film was based on a foreign film about a true to life friendship. I should seek out the original and see if it was a comedy, too. Or because of Kevin Hart’s attachment did the remake become one in the US.

3 of 5 stars.

Bandwagon Driver 2023

Did I re-up for the 2019 season? Yes. Yes, I did.

Why? No idea. What other thing is there to do?

Will I use those tickets? Eh. Maybe. Last year I went to 3 games. I let most of them lie fallow. Even when I was committed to going to a game did I not go. I couldn’t bear to watch. Plus it rained a lot last year.

Will I enjoy them? Eh. Maybe. I am a sucker for the under dog, and this organization is the under doggiest of all under dogs.

I’ve got 2. Who wants to join me?

Link of the Day [1.13.19]

Another year, another year of “Link of the Day!” Perhaps I will find something better with my time. Maybe…

There are a set of films that I believe have described my life. “Office Space” is one of them. Both when I was a server at some shlock place like Tchotkes or working at IniTech, this film speaks to me.

I remember catching it with the Shore Studios crew. We did not laugh one bit during the show. It took video and us maturing to see how funny it was.

I really miss the Shore Studios crew.

Second Act

Second Act is an American movie starring Jennifer Lopez. Funny thing is though it’s crazy Filipino.

There’s the love angle. Then a fantastic job with benefits. Then they throw in a curve with a long lost daughter. Then the love angle goes away, but comes back at the end like a long, lost puppy dog. Then she becomes a success even though she was exposed as a fraud. Stuff that happens in a normal Filipino drama.

3 of 5 stars.