“Help, I’m trapped in a complaint box.”

I just signed up for DSL from Earthlink. Is this a good idea or not? I noticed that I was still signed up for dial-up. They also say on their FAQ that I will keep my email addresses from the dial-up. Is that true? Anyone know?

“Don’t mess with a man with a way-back machine, I can make it so you were never born.”

Another Friday night at the movies this time to see Julianne Moore in The Forgotten. A very strange choice of a role for the always great acting Ms. Moore. I never knew her to choose doing a science fiction flick, but then a quarter of the way into the movie that is what it became. It was billed as a thriller, but don’t buy that line. It is straight out of a Twilight Zone episode being investigated by Mulder and Scully from the X-Files. Ms. Moore does an excellent job at being perplexed, but her acting reminded me of the coked out scene in Boogie Nights: hysterical, paranoid, and slightly crazy. The ending was predictable by the time you knew that she wasn’t crazy. It is THEM we must be afraid of, and THEY are here. Cue Twilight Zone theme. Cue the X-Files theme.

3 of 5 stars.

“I am a cypher, a cypher wrapped in an enigma… smothered in secret sauce.”

The NFL season is only a couple of weeks old and it looks like a long season for my favored team, Tampa Bay Bucs. Their offense stinks. The defense still formidable, but getting slower and slower each year. And the front office seems to be a mess with the ousting of one of the principle architects of Tampa’s revival, GM Rich McKay.

I don’t know what to think. I loved them as the lovable losers in the late eighties and early nineties. Cheered them on when Coach Dungy turned the sinking ship around in the mid and late nineties. He made them a contender almost every year. Was ecstatic when they won the Super Bowl in 2003. But lately, I am puzzled on their direction. They released John Lynch and Warren Sapp, stalwarts of the defense even if they were aging and on the decline. Their offense even under Dungy sucked, and it still sucks. Why can’t Coach Gruden get this thing to work correctly?

Perhaps, I have had it good for so long with this team that when the going gets rough I want to get off their bandwagon. Not me. Not for this lovable team. Go Bucs!

“The eyes are the windows to the skull, my friend.”

I am posting the first of my homework assignments here on my blog, because I don’t want to lose it in email.

The Process Patterns Resource Page offers the student and practitoners of software engineering a central repository of online links to sites that focus on process patterns. It is maintained by Scott Ambler a major proponent and developer of process patterns. At the site, one is informed of Scott Ambler’s two books that deal with process patterns, Process Patterns, Building Large-scale systems using object technology and More Process Patters, Delivering Large-scale systems using object technology. Along with links, Ambler includes a brief overview of process patterns via an abbreviated FAQ, frequently asked questions. The FAQ answers, “What are process patterns,” “what is the history of process patterns,” and “what types of process patterns exist?” He also instructs users on how to document a process pattern in the similar manner as documenting design patterns. Overall, the Process Patterns Resource Page, is a good starting point for researching process patterns.

Since the main focus of The Process Patterns Resource Page is to aggregate links to other sites about process patterns, the sites that it links to are of special interest to software engineers and students when they visit this site. As communication is the primary facet of a process framework, then what can be more important than communication amongst peers? In fact, each link gives access to more information about process patterns. For example, Ambler includes a link to a white paper (PDF) on process patterns which he wrote. This gives a more in depth introduction to process patterns. Another example is a link to online library which categorizes all types of patterns including process patterns. Lastly, an important link in the pattern ecology is the Portland Pattern Repository. Another library of patterns, but this time in the form of a wiki, a self-organizing online discussion board. It is a good place for software engineers to interact in a continuous dialogue with peers. There are many links which can be explored in order to learn more about patterns.

“Why must you people insist I learn your names?”

The Amazing Race ended tonight on their two hour race finale. Hopefully, this post is set for the future and you won’t read it until it has aired in your time zone. SPOILER ALERT!!

Congratulations to Chip & Kim! They proved the old adage that slow and steady wins the race, the turtle beats the hare. They got some luck in finding that the teams ahead of them were on a delayed flight. Took advantage of that good bit of fortune and won it all in Texas. Sorry to Colin & Christie. You guys were unstoppable, but lucked out in the end.

I can’t wait til season 6.


Caught an early evening showing of Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow last friday. Jason Kottke sums up my feelings on it. Technically good, but the story and the emotions were not here, and it left me somewhat cold. Also, it put my mom and my brother to sleep.

3 of 5 stars.