“The monkey clown horrible karate round and yummy like cute small baby chick would beat the donkey.”

I have told you of my fondness for CBS’s reality series, The Amazing Race. I have it TiVo’d, but still watch it live. Well, they are concluding this season next week with a two hour finally.

Today’s episode had them visiting the motherland. They rode in jeepneys and pushed around caribous. There are only four teams left, and today was the final non-elimination leg of the race. Next week we find out who wins. I am rooting for Chip and Kim, but actually think the Bowling Moms may squeek by. That Colin dude needs some anger management courses or he may eventually beat up his girlfriend and teammate, Christie. As for the Lord’s team, they look like they may finish in the middle of the pack. Not bad, but not millionaires in the end.

I hope you watch the season finale.

Super Karate Monkey Death Car

A superb write up about the many new features found in BBEdit 8. What are you waiting for? The cost got you down. Check out the hint at the end of the article to get it for what seems like a song.

#437. It’s hard to fly with the eagles when you’re surrounded by turkeys.

I just started graduate school last week. I am concentrating on Software Engineering. Hopefully, I will post more often about software engineering topics. I can talk for days on end about it, but I find it hard to write about out. I usually converse with coworkers about software engineering principles, and I am sure they are as tired of my myriad observations, so that going to school should help in giving me another outlet for my rants.

“Come join me and the boys of summer for action.”

The 2004 NFL season started this week how’ my team, Tampa Bay Buccaneers, do? Playing at Washington, they turned in a pathetic offensive performance and lost 16-10. This team is now fully Coach Gruden’s team, and as a “offensive genius,” his teams have been lacking on offensive production. That has been excluding the Super Bowl run of 2002.

The hometeam, Baltimore Ravens, turned in an even worst offensive performance and an even more surprising terrible defensive performance by losing to the Clevelend Browns, 20-3. Brian Billick is another “offensive genius” and his teams have always been known for there stout defense.

Notice a pattern? When the coach has been labeled an “offensive genius,” then they don’t produce in that phase of the game. It reminds me of Wile E. Coyote labeling himself as a “super genius.” What a misnomer!

“Stargate Defender kept me out of Stanford!”

If you love watching movies in theatres and you have an AMC Theatre near you, then you should think about joining their Movie Watcher club. You get rewarded for watching movies with popcorn, soda, and eventually a free night at the movies (free tix and snacks). I already have 10 points, but that does not include points earned for the few movies I had watched before I had received my card.