“Feel my scales, donkey, donkey, donkey, donkey, donkey.”

Napolean Dynamite. This has been playing for weeks at the local theatre. I had to see it before it is gone. Napolean Dynamite is another indy movie living small this time about high school students in Idaho. The main character looks funny always with his eyes closed and sporting a white man’s ‘fro. This is another slice of life about weird people. I did not find it very funny, but the cute girls behind us were laughing, which caused me to laugh too. Indy film could’ve been better.

2 of 5 stars.

“Is your life so boring you have to obsess with imaginary love triangles you`re not even a part of?”

Tonight, continuing with my quixotic quest to see as many movies this summer, I caught Wicker Park. Whoever did the marketing of this movie should never be entrusted again with that job in Hollywood. I had seen the trailers and the commercials expecting another psycho, obsessed woman movie. Yet, it wasn’t like that at all. Yes, there seemed to be a pyschotic, love obsessed woman, but was she really. The marketing had it all wrong, and I haven’t been pleasantly surprised by a movie this year until now.

This movie begins with the cliched “love at first sight,” moves to blissful love, then evolves towards obsession. Josh Hartnett’s character follows that trajectory. But does he? Is his obsession to find the girl that was the one an example of a maniacal mind? Why is he so obsessed with finding her? Then the “crazy” girl is introduced, and we find out that she too follows the same trajectory. But does she? Is her obsession for Hartnett’s character an example of a craze, obsessed woman? Why is she obsessed with him? The movie answers these questions in an interesting way. Twisting the story this way. Flashing back to tell the story with a dash of Roshomon-like tale. It is hard to pin point, but was amusing to watch unravel on the screen.

By the end of the movie, we see that both character’s followed the same path, but one’s obsession was real and was pay back with a deserving end, and the other’s was hopeless and heartbreaking. Do you believe in love at first sight?

4 of 5 stars.


So. I made it through the President’s speech without getting angry or upset. What struck me the most about it is that he is not the greatest of public speakers. Alright that has probably been said before. What also struck me is that he smirks a lot. Should the president of the greatest nation display how immature he is on national TV? Let me echo Brad DeLong in asking, “When will the grownup Republicans stand up and take control of their party?”

“Blah, blah, blah… this is an outrage!”

The Republican National Convention wraps up tonight with the President’s speech. I don’t know about you, but it is very hard to keep from vomiting when listening to this guy speak. Yet, I must in order to know what to formulate counter arguments against fools that believe him to be the best thing since slice bread.

“Because I’m neither Japanese, 14 years old nor a girl.”

Welcome to the first post of September or as I like to call it, News Radio quote month here at BrowserMetrics. Like I said before, I want to use this schtick to highlight the great mid-nineties show News Radio, and to help my writing/blogging.

What should the first post be? I’ll make it about News Radio. If you don’t know about it check out the entry here on IMDB. Or read a fascinating article of the characters’ inter-relationship here (PDF) found at this site, NewsRadioArt.com. Hopefully that will get you started on your quest to learn all about this great sitcom. And if you really want to see it, you can catch it on the Bio Channel at 11:00 PM EST or check your local TV Guide for details.

(No this will not become a site dedicated to this show. Just want to throw a little appreciation its way.)

BBEdit 8.0

I use a Mac at home. I love the Mac, and today, Bare Bones Software has released BBEdit 8.0. This is “Software that doesn’t suck.” On each and every platform that I use I am always looking for the text editor that meets the standards set by BBEdit. On the Unix workstations, we used emacs. I got used to it. Sometimes, I would launch a file in vi just to get comfortable with the “more weird than emacs” keystroke combinations. Shift-Z-Z? On PCs, I quickly abandoned TextPad and WordPad looking for a BBEdit port. No such luck. The closest so far has been VisualSlickEdit. It is still no BBEdit.

Run out and get the latest version of the best piece of software ever written.

September is News Radio Quote Month

Shamelessly stealing from the ingenuously named A Perfectly Cromulent Blog, I have decided that every post in September will have a quote from the under-appreciated News Radio. Hopefully, this will jump start my blogging as I have slowed down during the past month. I don’t think that the quote will match up with the post, but I’ll try. Stop in next month and join in my remembrance of the greatest sitcom ever.

Holding out for a Hero

Another weekend and another movie. This time it was the Chinese epic, Hero. If you loved Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, then this one is for you. A blend of martial arts, Chinese history and a star-crossed love story, Hero goes for all. I rather liked it, but why are these things so melodramatic.

4 of 5 stars.