Garden State

On Monday, I caught Zack Braff’s Garden State at the local cineplex. I knew it to be a small, personal, independent-minded film, but I also thought it was supposed to be a comedy. Not much to laugh at, but then it wasn’t supposed to be a true comedy. It was another small, personal independent film. Like they all are. I haven’t seen one like since the great indy film boom of the early 90s. As an indy film, it is mediocre at best. I think I have seen it before. Anyway, the only thing of note that I left with from the movie is that George Lucas needs to apologize to Natalie Portman for sticking her in that wooden role of Princess Amidala. He needs to be punched in the nose. Can someone do it?

3 of 5 stars.

Our President (sigh) or the guy who is occupying the white house

Here are two links which sum up my opinion of the president perfectly. Josh Marshall and Matthew Yglesias take down the silly man in the white house better than I could ever have done. Marshall portrays the president as a man of low moral courage. He lets others do the dirty work for him. I agree. It fits the man who has hardly earned things on his own. Yglesias portrays the president as a man of low intelligence. He is not actively engaging his intellect when trying to define his policies. Marshall’s portrait of the president is a direct consequence of the lack of brains that the president has exhibited.

I am done my political rant for the week.


Toogle a cool use of Google photos. Conducts a search for an image, and then uses the search term to create an ASCII version of the search result.

Site search

Blogger just added a neat-o tool bar up top. It has a site search. That’s good, so I just commented out the Google search in the sidebar. Use it to search my site for some more of my posts.

More movies

Two movies from this past weekend…

First up, Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle. Brought to us by those guys who made Dude, Where’s My Car? It’s not as funny, but is more overtly pro-pot. In fact, there was more pot being smoked in this than the latter, which was infamous for being a pothead flick without anyone smoking pot except the dog. If I had been high, when I saw this I would not have laughed too much.

2 of 5 stars.

Next, Alien v. Predator. Not too much of the battle taken place between them both. Really short film. The plot sucked. The enemy of my enemy is my friend. It would also seem that the predators suck as much as humans in fighting the aliens. Not as bad ass as I had thought.

3 of 5 stars.

Dairy products gone bad.

Evan Dorkin’s blog. If you don’t know, he was the creator of Milk and Cheese, dairy products gone bad. Kept me happy in the middle of the last decade. He also writes for the CartoonNetwork’s Adult Swim cartoons.

I am dangerous.

Tom Cruise in Collateral is a dangerous man. I forget to realize how good an actor he is because I can’t get past the pretty boy image he seems to embody. Any way, I caught this film last weekend at a mid-day matinee. It was slightly packed. This is another film that should’ve been released in the fall rather than the summer. It was another thriller. But in the end it turned into another chase ’em up flick jus to satisfy the suits as a summer blockbuster. Micheal Mann also seemed to revisit the character archetypes he had created in Heat. Good guy/bad guy dichotomy. Even the ending was just like Heat.