What is you suck?

Have you seen the latest Jeopardy champion? As of today, he has won about half a million dollars. And it doesn’t look like he will lose anytime soon. This guy is phenomenal and can’t be stopped. The closest anyone has got was when he missed final jeopardy, but his competitors could not take advantage of it. I am waiting for the rule change to reinstitute a champion’s reign. The only thing: he should bet big.

European Vacation 2001: In Russia

Aug. 8, 2001

10:00 Waiting for St. Petersburg. Looks like the Russians won’t let us in. Looking over the passenger list. It looks like Napolean waiting to conquer St. Petersburg. Hitler trying to conquer Stalingrad. We may not be successful.

10:15 We’re cleared to have an excursion in Russia. I hope I make it back.

11:00 Anatoly and Micah as our guides.

16:00 Back in St. Petersburg from Pushkin. Drunk from vodka. Got me a bottle.

17:40 St. Isaac’s cathedral. “All roads lead to vendor.” Thad dude was right. There are the most beautiful girls here.

17:57 Strike by the sea pilot’s union kept us in bay this morning. Welcome to Western economic difficulties.

More to say later…

European Vacation 2001: Helsinki

Aug.7, 2001

08:30 Helsinki. My stomach aches from breakfast. Oh! Kaisa. Going to the fortress of Finland.

11:45 Coming back from the fortress on a ferry. Ghosts stories to tell. Dark tunnels. Granite walls. I wonder if you can ride a mountain bike through there?

13:00 Fast, fast, fast food. Stomach churning. Burgers by some brown brothers is good.

13:25 Going back into Helsinki. Tour of the city. What’s her name? Tuija. Arne are our guides. 5 million people. 500,00 in the city.

15:00 Rock Church. Looks like the Planet of the Apes church. Blasted out of rock.

21:05 After dinner walk and wrote some email for outragous prices. Still feel fat.

Helsinki, Finland. Very neet place. Land of Linux. In fact the tour guide pointed out Linus Torvalds house or the house he had lived in as a child. They are really proud of him there. The city is small. The island fortress was cool. The Finns call there homeland Suomi. I want to go back.

The Birds

I have a bird problem.

My condo has a rather large deck off the family room. It’s nice to take in the summer evening air out on it after work, especially when it is not hot or muggy. Except, there is a pair of birds (swallows or finches I think) that have perched out back and made my deck their own territory. They like to use one of the sprinkler heads as a perch. Every time I go out back these two fly off and return with reinforcements. These birds dive bomb me while I am out on my deck. It freaks me out.

Does anyone know how to discourage them from using my deck as their love nest? Can a wind chime help? I really want to crush them. String up their dead bodies as a warning to the other birds.

European Vacation 2001: Sweden land of ABBA

Aug. 6, 2001

01:00 We are losers!! Hot chicks. We are losers. At the Disco. Old man at the disco.

07:50 Woke up early for tour of Stockholm. Breakfast. Wait for tour to start.

08:00 Viking greet us on shore. Note next time Walter take axe. Nynashamn w/Avia our tour guide. Uva is our bus driver and he’s a viking.

15:10 Gerry is late. Gustav built this town of Stockholm. Visited Valhalla.

16:00 Goodbye, Sweden.

Stockholm, Sweden was cool and grey. The port of Nynashamn on the Baltic was very pretty. Situated in a calm bay, it looked like a dock on a lake.

Stepford Wives

Saw Stepford Wives tonight so that you don’t have to. Let me warn you now. It is humorless and lifeless as the robots of the original. Did I ruin it for you? Good. Don’t see this movie.

1 of 5 stars.

European Vacation 2001: @Sea

Aug. 5, 2001

15:20 Woke up @ 11:00. Breakfast. Now wandering the ship looking for things to do.

17:45 Getting dressed. Lots of wrinkles. Am I wearing something good for formal?

This must be the day we spent on board at sea. Also, the formal Captain’s Dinner occured that evening. On a cruise, there is usually nothing to do but eat, since the food is free. It’s the drinks that cost something, even the drinks at the casino.