Get Your War On!
This comic strip makes me laugh and cry at the same time. Sums up my feelings about the War on Terror.
I am too lazy to sort
This comic strip makes me laugh and cry at the same time. Sums up my feelings about the War on Terror.
Slate has an article I think my cousin Angelie should read. Her cats, before they were put in a kennel outside, constantly peed all over my mom’s basement. It still reeks of cat urine. Her cats have me really on the verge. I feel like poisoning them with some of the pool chemicals. Cats suck.
Around 1998, when I was toiling away at a web design firm (if they still exist), I had brought up an idea that was ahead of its time. See, one of my co-workers was all about downloading mp3. He always seemed to have a connection to the ftp/warez site with tons of mp3 for the taking, this before the advent of Napster. My idea was to combine the internet with music on demand, an Internet Jukebox. Radical at the time!
I always thought people would want to hear a tune (which could be bouncing in there head), surf to a site, select it, and stream it to his computer all for a quarter. Yet my idea always died when I thought, “Who would pay a quarter to listen to music once when you can download it free?” With the success of iTunes, it seems that my idea really was way ahead of its time.
Next time I’ll run with my ideas.
Once again Slate has a terrific article on the legacy of Ronald Reagan. He helped usher in the era of great Russian wrestling villians. How can anyone forget the epic battles between Dusty Rhodes and Nakita Koloff. The American Dream versus the commie ruskie. This was truly Reagan’s legacy.
I am not an NBA fan, but I seem to end up watching their playoffs every year. I am a sucker for the underdog. Of course, since it is the pretty boy Lakers in the finals it makes it easier to root for the Pistons. I believe that Gary Payton and Karl Malone should be denied the chance to ever be called champions. Come on Pistons!
Since moving into my own place last year, I have been searching for furniture. I have yet to find something I really like. My style seems to be retro/mid-century modern, which is making a come back.
Designs Within Reach – not really cheap like they imply, but a sense of style that is slightly affordable.
Room And Board – if I could I would buy all my furniture from here.
Started as a tickle in my throat. Then sniffles. Then feeling of tiredness. Headache. Somewhat nauseous. Went home early from work. Should I go in tomorrow?
This past weekend while shopping for a gift for my cousing (30! Happy Birthday, Gerry!) I also bought a couple of albums from Best Buy. First up is The Art of Noise’s “Who’s Afraid of (The Art of Noise?). A classic early 80s album from the masters of found noise as music. Close to the Edit. Moments in Love. I must have been on an old school kick, because I had also picked up Bad Brain’s I Against I. I swear that the intro was covered by Metallica or was in homage of Metallica. Either way you can’t beat hardcore as practiced by rastafarians. The last album is a live De La Soul album recorded live. Now live rap CDs suck. This one does too. You can’t hear the beats. Don’t buy it. I am not gonna give you a link it is that bad. And I am a really big De La fan and saw them live and rip shit up on there De La Soul is Dead tour. 2 out of three ain’t bad.
I never knew how prescient The Onion was, but damn, this “article” gets less funny because of how true it ended up being. Funny but a tragedy for all of us.