Visited Balticon for a part of the day. I am not that geeky. As evidence I present to you that I only know of the ABCs of science fiction, Isaac Asimov, David Brin and Arthur C. Clarke. Any other writers of science fiction I have no clue about. This was my first experience at a con where I actually paid the entrance fee and attended (or pretended to attend) some of the lectures. Okay, just one, the LOTR parodies which were funny. So I paid for almost nothing.
I was expecting more from Balticon. I expected bigger. I expected people dressed up as their favorite character from TekWar or the DragonRider series. Instead it seemed smaller and not enough people dressed up. Perhaps if I got into the spirit of it I would’ve had more fun. As it was, it was too geeky for me by the half.
Note to self embrace your inner geek. I am just gonna have to wait for my favorite con.