“No offence, Joe, but that is not really a talent.” “That’s big talk coming from a tap-dancing jelly maker who may or may not have been a high school thespian.”

Link of the Day [9.26.2014]

On my trips out to Wisconsin, I bring home a block of cheese or two. The first time was two years ago. I bought the cheese at the airport in Milwaukee. This year on the trips up I bought cheese at this store. At the airport in Green Bay, they shake me down thinking this cheese is a block of C4. In reality, this cheese is the bomb. Pardon me while I go make a grilled cheese sandwich with 7 year old sharp cheddar.


“Pure evilness?”

This is how they troll Orioles fans at Cooperstown. The Amazing Mets? Pittsburgh Pirates? Really, Cooperstown, really?

“You’re obviously crippled by mental illness!”

I went and tried to get more playoff tickets.

I thought it would be nice to invite anyone and everyone along for the second game of the ALDS. I got the chance this afternoon. As a season ticket holder, I had the chance to purchase another 2 tickets to any of the ALDS games.

I went 10 minutes into my scheduled time at 1400. I got a 2 tickets for Game 1. I selected seats for Game 2. No dice the first time. I tried a different section. No dice the second time. I worked my way down the list towards the cheaper and cheaper seats. No dice the third and fourth times.

Then I refreshed my shopping cart and tried again from the beginning.

Wait. There’s no Game 2 available.


Now, I have to figure out who to take the first game and who the take for the second game.

Who wants to go?

“How much have you done so far?” “The outline.” “How long is it?” “Two words:the, outline.”

It has been a long time since a wrote a post about baseball or the Orioles. I didn’t have much to say lately or I didn’t know what to say. I see that my last post was from the 2012 season. There was a few from 2013, but nothing really. What is there to say about last year? It wasn’t this year!

Woohoo! Orioles won the American League East division! And I was there. I can not believe it. They did well.

This wasn’t like 2012. It was no surprise. It was a methodical beatdown of the AL East. They started slow, but as the year heated up, so did the Birds. They played better and better. And here we are.

AL East Champs!

Let’s go Orioles!

“Give a man a fish, and he’ll eat for a day. Teach a man to fish…” “and he’ll spend all his time in the basement tying flies and neglecting his personal hygiene.”

Link of the Day [9.15.14]

How can I not give you a link to a feature on Phil Hartman for NewsRadio Quote Month? It’s for his work on SNL, but it can be applied to NewsRadio. RIP Mr. Hartman. I wish we had more years of you playing characters on the big and the small screens.


“What kind of fire water have you been drinking there, Little Chief?”

Kutiman has made another mashup YouTube video. Like his others, this one is pretty awesome. It’s amazing how this guy can mix things together. If you watch each individual YouTube video, you wouldn’t know how to stitch it into another song. Kutiman does, and he works magic. I can’t wait to hear the rest of these.

“Be careful, Beth, because the stock market can be a cruel mistress.” “Well, so can I, but that’s not how I want to make my money any more.”

Link of the Day [9.13.14]

I saw this thing on the internet that was a preview of a graphic novel about spooky stories. I believe I saw it on AV Club. The thing is I saw that a while ago and lost track of what the graphic novel was about. I’m still sure I saw it at the AV Club, but I can’t find it there.

You see I like spooky stories. I love ghost stories, haunted houses, getting the creeps, and goosebumps springing up on along the arm. If there’s supernatural things about, I’m there. So a graphic novel with scares is right about my alley.

But I didn’t know who wrote it, because I could not remember anything about that AV Club article. Was it even an AV Club article?

Yet, here we are I found it from a link at Slate.com. It’s by an artist, Emily Carroll, and she’s got plenty of ghastly graphic tales on her site. I want to check them out, then get the book.


Goofy Ball

Link of the Day [9.11.14]

I’m only interested in the Apple Watch for figuring out what novel user inputs a developer can do with it. I didn’t really want one until I read this review. Woah. Maybe like the iPhone I’ll wander into the Apple Store and pick one up. Which to choose?
