Spreading this Meme
Interesting concept of one line bios. I am thinking of what to put in mine.
Interesting concept of one line bios. I am thinking of what to put in mine.
I need to learn to cook. I saw Racheal Ray do this barbecued succotash which I have a few of the ingredients already in my cupboard. She’s one of my favorites. Thirty minute meals! She makes it look so easy that I can delude myself into thinking that I could make some of her recipes.
I also love watching Good Eats. Alton Brown is kind of a nerdy chef who treats cooking liking writing a program. He makes things so scientific that it makes me want to cook.
Actually, I rarely have the chance to cook. Keep stopping by mom’s. I need to learn to cook, so that when I get a girlfriend, I can cook for her.
It seems after Burt Rutan won the X Prize they are going to offer some form of commercial space flights to people. I don’t think I have the intestinal fortitude for it, but if you like you can try out the zero gravity roller coaster flights that are being offered. Cue Star Trek them… “Space. The Final Frontier….”
I am at work wasting time. Most of the things I have to do are done, and I don’t feel like putting any effort into getting something new to do. I am acting busy, but I am not. This is a post to that effect.
Week 4 of the NFL season and another loss for Tampa Bay. Maybe we have returned to the glory days of the lovable losers. It is officially a long season now. What do Buccaneers fans have to look forward to? Maybe we can break the franchise record of 24 straight losses? Yikes.
As for the hometown Ravens, they play on Monday night. My cousin’s going to the game.
Yes, I am getting sick and tired of courier new, so I am on the lookout for a new font for when I am writing code.
PS. Thank the lord that News Radio Quote Month is over. I had a hard time blogging from work because I could never find the link to a good News Radio quote site.
Yahoo! just upgraded their “my.Yahoo” portion to a new beta version. It adds syndication feed modules to your my.Yahoo page. I like it.
I just signed up for DSL from Earthlink. Is this a good idea or not? I noticed that I was still signed up for dial-up. They also say on their FAQ that I will keep my email addresses from the dial-up. Is that true? Anyone know?
Another Friday night at the movies this time to see Julianne Moore in The Forgotten. A very strange choice of a role for the always great acting Ms. Moore. I never knew her to choose doing a science fiction flick, but then a quarter of the way into the movie that is what it became. It was billed as a thriller, but don’t buy that line. It is straight out of a Twilight Zone episode being investigated by Mulder and Scully from the X-Files. Ms. Moore does an excellent job at being perplexed, but her acting reminded me of the coked out scene in Boogie Nights: hysterical, paranoid, and slightly crazy. The ending was predictable by the time you knew that she wasn’t crazy. It is THEM we must be afraid of, and THEY are here. Cue Twilight Zone theme. Cue the X-Files theme.
3 of 5 stars.
The NFL season is only a couple of weeks old and it looks like a long season for my favored team, Tampa Bay Bucs. Their offense stinks. The defense still formidable, but getting slower and slower each year. And the front office seems to be a mess with the ousting of one of the principle architects of Tampa’s revival, GM Rich McKay.
I don’t know what to think. I loved them as the lovable losers in the late eighties and early nineties. Cheered them on when Coach Dungy turned the sinking ship around in the mid and late nineties. He made them a contender almost every year. Was ecstatic when they won the Super Bowl in 2003. But lately, I am puzzled on their direction. They released John Lynch and Warren Sapp, stalwarts of the defense even if they were aging and on the decline. Their offense even under Dungy sucked, and it still sucks. Why can’t Coach Gruden get this thing to work correctly?
Perhaps, I have had it good for so long with this team that when the going gets rough I want to get off their bandwagon. Not me. Not for this lovable team. Go Bucs!