
I must apologize to the few readers of this blog. I haven’t been posting lately, because I am too lazy. Plus I am trying to write an essay for a graduate school application and it is taking up my time. I can only focus on one writing assignment at a time.

Once that essay is done (hopefully tonight) I’ll resume my regular schedule. About 3 times a week.

Best. Site. Ever.

If you are a Simpsons fan and have never been to The Simpson’s Archive, what are you waiting for? This is the site for all things Simpsonian! It seems to have been started as archiving of I like to spend time reading through their episode transcripts. Good times.

The Amazing Race (again)

I have already sung the praises of CBS reality show, The Amazing Race, trying to get you all to see it. It is the most fun show to watch on TV. I always shout at the screen rooting and jeering at the teams. So watch it. And if you missed any shows catch the recaps on Television Without Pity. They’re hilarious.

Latest films

Okay. I am on a tear seeing many of the summer movies this year and thoroughly enjoying ever moment. Some films are good some are bad, but it is watching them in the dark that makes it so fun. Now if only I had more company.

The latest batch from this past weekend are Catwoman and The Manchurian Candidate.

First up, Catwoman. We caught this on a friday evening screening (7:40) and there were not many people seeing this movie in its second week in the theatres. No legs. This was the best worst flick I have seen in a while. It is everything that the critics have been saying it was. Bad. Bad. Bad. But I think this will be a classic bad movie. So bad it is good. At first, you can see and feel how bad the movie was, but then as you accept its awfulness, you begin to enjoy it. Halle Berry! Nice. The plot was outrageous. Something to do with stopping an evil makeup conglomerate from unleashing its toxic makeup on unsuspecting women. I shit you not that that was what the conflict centered on. From the opening to the closing, Catwoman stunk up the screen, but I appreciated its badness and applauded at the end. I knew we were in trouble when the director goes by one name.

5 of 5 stars.

The Manchurian Candidate is the total opposite of Catwoman in terms of critics’ approval. It has garnered some great reviews. I don’t know why. It was somewhat boring. And I predicted the ending in the first reel. Good but not great. A little slow and predictable if you are well versed in conspiracy theories. There is always a patsy. Thanks, X-files!

3 of 5 stars.

Job hunting.

Should I be looking for a new job? The project I am working on is winding down and it looks as if it’s gonna be put out to pasture soon. The only sites I know online to look for a job is and Does anyone know of any other sites?