Virtual Oscar Party

Live blogging the Oscars! I’ll post scores (maybe) or the winners.

8:27 EST PM: Watching the Amazing Race. And can’t believe that the Cowboys made it past the last roadblock.

8:28 EST PM: You could also follow my tweets here!

8:32 EST PM: Opening monologue/movie. Are you laughing yet.

8:37 EST PM: What the hell does Back to the Future have to do with anything tonight?

8:41 EST PM: Switched over to The Amazing Race again. The teams are in kangaroo suits!

8:42 EST PM: This is boring me. How much longer? 4 hours!?!?!

8:44 EST PM: Art Direction: Alice in Wonderland. Lots of people made this choice!

8:48 EST PM: Cimematography: Inception. Only 1 hit!

8:52 EST PM: CapitolSwell’s in the lead with 13 points. Everyone else is going backwards. Trying to catch the end of the Amazing Race. Come on asian dudes!

8:59 EST PM: It was the engaged couple who got the uturn in the first episode that were philiminated. And Melissa Leo wins the Supporting Actress. I’m going backwards.

9:07 EST PM: Animated short: The Lost Thing. Only CapitolSwell and Marge get that one. Animated Feature: Toy Story 3. Only Angeli missed that one! That was the shoo-in of the week! I mean that category is the annual Pixar Oscar!

9:13 EST PM: White tie!

9:17 EST PM: Adapted Screenplay: The Social Network. And this guy talks alot. I thought he could speak faster!

9:21 EST PM: Original Screenplay: The King’s Speech. I thought Inception. Akeshia in the lead with 19 points.

9:35 EST PM: Supporting Actor: Christian Bale. Foreign Film: In Better World. I should’ve made the scoring more dynamic. Everyone in the hunt is bunched. And it looks as if it will come down to the Best picture.

9:42 EST PM: Sci Tech Awards! Marissa Tomei was the presenter? The couldn’t find another young hottie to have hosted this one? What? Where was the Black Swan girl? No, the other one?

9:44 EST PM: Oscar winner Trent Reznor? Wha!?

9:53 EST PM: I am bored. Let’s hurry up and finish this?! Wait! The SciTech awards!

10:01 EST PM: Makeup: The Wolfman. Costume: Alice in Wonderland. James Franco is dying on stage. Anyone tweet that out to him?

10:03 EST PM: I’ve never been so relieved to see them singing the nominated songs on the telecast. It brings something to this boring show. I’m too busy updating the numbers. Here’s something hilarious: Marge has 3 points, but has guessed 6 correctly! Hi hi!

10:28 EST PM: Billy Crystal. Bring this guy back.

10:30 EST PM: Bob Hope. Bring this guy back.

10:37 EST PM: Worst show in a while.

10:44 EST PM: Wait. That song was nominated? Was it really longer than that?

10:53 EST PM: I noticed that I haven’t posted winners in awhile. Meanwhile Brian and Eleanor tied for the lead.

10:58 EST PM: @jamesfranco‘s twitter feed more interesting than his hosting capabilities. Bring back the ghost of Bob Hope!

11:01 EST PM: Congratulations, nerds! is making the google rounds!

11:05 EST PM: It’s a tie! Brian and Eleanor have it from here on out. Unless The Social Network makes a run… doubtful… We’re gonna have to go to the tie breakers!

11:17 EST PM: At least this was a short telecast. Directing: Tobe Hooper, The King’s Speech. Actress: Natalie Portman.

11:25 EST PM: Colin Firth. The King’s Speech.

11:30 EST PM: Preliminary winner of the 4th Annual BrowserMetrics’ Oscar Pool is Brian if the numbers holds up. (and if it’s The King’s Speech)

11:38 EST PM: The King’s Speech! Wins 4 Oscars! Finally we’re done!

11:41 EST PM: Welp. We’re done for another year. Congratulations to all winners, both at the Academy and in the BrowserMetrics’ Oscar Pool. (I think it’s Brian as he gets the first tie breaker correct). I got to go add up the numbers and check all things we’ll see.

Thanks for playing!

“March 8, 2032, 8:30 PM, you will die.”

Live blogging The Amazing Race will commence very soon. I haven’t done this, but it’s time to revisit the fun times of running around the world for fun and profit. Consider this the first post…

That lady protesting against the Muslim center in NY hates.

Catching some of Yankees v Red Sox. I hate them both, but it’s even better when the one supposedly good team is on a losing streak. I wish both would be losers, but that ain’t gonna happen until the Orioles can get in contention. Daisuke just struck out Texiera to end the inning.

Even moving back 60 minutes by 30 minutes, CBS still can’t start it on time because of NFL.

8:44 PM EST
Andy Rooney looks like one of the dead. Zombie!

8:47 PM EST
Here we go!

How can local celebrities compete for $1 million? Why?

Marriage proposals and Amazing Race don’t seem to go well together. Yelling at your partner…

Acapella singers? That’s gay.

Hotty doctors? Yes!

Asian father son duo? First eliminated!

8:51 PM EST
You can’t tell who to root against. Let’s go evil teams!

Express Pass sounds like cheating.

8:57 PM EST
No purely young all men’s teams. Makes it tough to pick the eventual winners.

Dude, Irish, your girlfriend is hot.

9:02 PM EST
It’s amazing how, post 9-11, you can get people to do the run around in airports. I would think they would be jacked by the airport cops.

9:07 PM
Singers are last place. Also called Harry Potter. Not the way to start out.

9:09 PM EST
Driving stuck left handed. Must be awkward.

Newly dating, and you’re yelling at each other. That won’t last will it?

Don’t scream about the stick shift on the left. You have to just drive…

9:13 PM EST
Killing clutches. Is not good. Get the wrecker! EEeesh. Burning clutches!

You’ve got to go practice stick whenever you’re going on the Amazing Race.

I hate these steam lunches commercial. Why do you want an asshole as a spokesman?

9:20 PM EST
Clutches are a problem. Hunh?

Guys are lost? Get out of the car.

I like how they get Harry Potter to talk about magic!

Bullocks with the colonials!!! Ha ha ha!!!

Fat people on that boat isn’t going make across!!

9:38 PM EST
Slow and steady gets you across the water in the turtle boat.

Damn. I hate eliminations in the first leg…

That’s gotta hurt… Ouch with the watermelon…

9:46 PM EST
That’s right sister. That’s the Amazing Race for you.

That girl running who was hit in the face is hilarious!!

The boat roadblock is getting to be hilarious.

I think the reunited mother-daughter team is gonna be philiminated. Yes. It’s been a long time since I’ve used that word!

9:54 PM EST
I have to always question why they eliminate in the first round. They should throw a wrench and keep it open. Allow these fools a second chance.

You can’t get lost going to Phil. You just can’t!!

These tattooed people are really, really stupid.

10:02 PM
Yes. They really are stupid.

10:04 PM EST
Here’s who I’m rooting for: Asians, mother-daughter reunited, hottie girl and her leprechaun buddy. Would’ve rooted for the black dudes, but man they got lost and lost the first leg (just predicting).

It’s getting close to last teams. Come on mother-daughter. Come on black guys. That boat ain’t gonna help.

10:12 PM EST
Logic ain’t gonna get you across that water big, black guy.

Damn, first elimination. Black guys. Damn, you, Amazing Race! Why must you crush our hopes!!

10:15 PM EST
Thus ends the return of live blogging Amazing Race. It hasn’t been cool to watch the show in a long time, but it still is fun. Who’s coming with if I do it?

Amazing Race Live Blogging Season 16

I can’t believe I’m resurrecting this hoary old trope. What’s it been seven or eight races ago? Yet still it’s fun. Better than tweeting it because no one reads my tweets except for the vast twitterverse.

Folgers taste like shit. Just like Dominos pizza. Except that’s all I’ve got.

TAR starts out in Chile. Hope the country can survive the latest earthquake. Good luck to the chileans and to the racers.

That gnome! Scares me.

Hospital! You can’t let the runs stop you!

Those folksy cowboys have it in the bag. It’s theirs to lose. You heard it here first.

That gnome! Poker face! Dudes. All in!

Cowboys got in the bag.

Come on asian girl. Do it!

Did I miss the cute girl who got eliminated last week?

Also doing laundry. When’s my drier load gonna be finished? I dont want to be up all night.

Be a cowboy? Aint we all trying to grow up to be one?

Had to fold some whites. What did I miss? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?

Nope. Those girls are done.

Dudes cant hit that polo shit straight. And how come the asians are fourth? Who was second?

Girls can’t hit. Do the random search. Too bad.

Dating models. That just brings the hate, right? Was that Blue Steel? Or magnum?

Sorry girls.

Good night. I have no idea what happened. Or who to root for, but I’m liking the cowboys and not the dating models. Blue steel!


It seems like some people don’t like the bunching of the teams on the Amazing Race. Well for the last couple of shows several of the teams have been a full day behind. It makes it hard to enjoy as you’re so worried that they’ll never catch up.

I like the bunching. It makes every leg a race. It can bring teams from first to last (ask Rob and Amber (I miss them so)).

So I vote for bunching! F all the naysayers.

Can’t spell Philippines

If you had watched the Amazing Race this past Sunday, you’ll know that the title tripped up the great Rob and Amber. Don’t worry it was the bane of Magellen as well.

Now who to root for? Terri and Ian! Charla and Mirna? F no! That girl is scary. But most likely, it would be those anonymous couple Dani and what’s his name? They’re under-rated.

Amazing Senility

Usually, my dreams are about long, lost infatuations. Not this time.

I woke wondering if I really did win the Amazing Race. You see it started because early in the evening I had watched the latest episode of the Amazing Race. It was ta-ta for Kentucky who should’ve done better, but missed the all too important turn off to the detour. Sucks as they seem to be genuine and generous people deserving of winning $1 million.

Anywhoo, back to my dream…

I was participating in the race. I can’t rightly say who my partner was or even if I did. Maybe it was Capitol Swell as he seemed to clue me in on some meaning of the clue to help me win.

I was running around a mall. It seems that the final stage had me run through a mall and find some magazine. In the magazine (or book) there was a clue which upon purchasing the magazine needs to be read by the checkout person.

I had a substantial lead, but squandered it away getting lost (like Kentucky!) with the last couple teams catching up. We find the same place. We find the rack. I pull a magazine, but end up in second after another team. They get to the checkout, but the checkout person can’t say they have it. This is where Capitol Swell comes to whisper, “Dude, the tag!” I run back and exchange the magazine for the correct one, checkout, and announced the winner.

Right. I should’ve made it to the carpet, but my dream took me straight to winning the $1 million. WooHoo!

Well, Phil interviews me and the first thing I say is that I am quitting my job. (For half a million after taxes! Sweet!) I worry about doing the talk show rounds. I do the CBS morning show, and I say that I doubt that I can win against the robot team of Rob and Amber. They’re awesome!

What a strange dream that one was.

“I told you less martinis and more cardio”

You think the 11th iteration of a reality show would be boring to watch. Except if that show is the Amazing Race. It’s the All-Star show. Past racers once again globe trotting for a million dollars.

I can’t hate any of them. They all rock. I don’t know any of the season one racers, but I’m gonna be glad to meet them.

Of course, I have my favorites. Terri and Ian. Rob and Amber.

It always make me laugh!

** UPDATE **
Rob and Amber are the reality team monsters!

I hope they don’t philiminate in this episode. Damn, he just said will.

*** UPDATE ***
I hate the first leg eliminations. Sorry, Jon Vito and Jill. I wanted see them a bit longer.

The Amazing Race is a cruel mistress!

See you next episode.

TV blogging

As I sit at home on a Saturday afternoon, I think about some of the television I watched. Basically, I’m trying to catch up with what’s on my tivo.

First, we’ll start with a favorite for the last couple years: The Amazing Race. It’s fair to say that this is showing its age. Like the tired and worn survivor, the Amazing race inn it’s tenth season needs to reinvigorate itself. Of course this won’t happen this season, but the next race needs some changes. This year they started out with twelve teams rather than eleven. In the first episode, they eliminated two teams with one of those eliminations at the half way point of the leg. What would be better is if they eliminated a team at any time. Imagine that all teams make it through the first three legs, then starting after the next RoadBlock the last team finishing getting eliminated. Then it goes unpredictably from there. It would make good drama, but maybe not good racing. At this point, I would be blogging about the show, but I am not therefore I am none too excited about this show right now. Perhaps when I pick a team to root for…

Next, Battlestar Galactica premiered its new season on friday. What a disappointment. Perhaps I wanted Viper battles against Cylon raiders, but it wasn’t too exciting for me. It’s also overtly political. The story being occupation of a planet for the good of the occupied people. Iraq? They’re fucked. Yet, there are some intriguing developments. Is Roslyn a Cylon? Then how’s she going to escape the death squads? Is Baltar?

Thursdays it’s Supernatural. I missed the season opener and tivo did not record it for me. This weeks was about killer clowns. “Can’t sleep clowns will eat me.” At points I was scared. Darn clowns. Thus the X-Files lives!

Thursdays is also Ugly Betty. I just watched my first ep and found it funny as all get out. This is going to be good for the first eps then slowly crash into soap drama. I hope it works and makes it through.

That’s it for now. I want to try a few new shows, but the time is hard to find.

Amazing Race 9: Brazil to Russia

They had a lot of those crazy Russia nesting dolls in this one.

The mother-daughter team will be cracking up soon.

I don’t like the frat boyz.

Forget your clothes but not that Amazing bag with your passports. I am looking at you Pinks.

Guess who’s back?

The Amazing Race! I missed the first leg, but then got Tivo to start recording the rest of the season. They’ve already lost two teams, and I’ve already started to hate Eric & Jeremy.

Are there any hotties? With just one episode seen I like the mom and daughter combo, Wanda & Desiree. The daughter is cute.

When approaching this season, I was wary. What has become amazing has now become routine. Nothing surprising anymore. Like your favorite tshirt. It just fits great. But watching it always, always gets me up and going. Fun times to be had on Tuesdays at 10pm EST on CBS.