Live Blogging The Amazing Race Family Edition

9:06 The recaps of the season before the finale. Bye Godlewskis!!!

9:08 Go Linzes!! Go Bransons!! Beat those Weavers!! Obviously I am not rooting for Florida.

9:10 This is a TWO HOUR finale? I don’t think my battery is going to last.

9:17 Airports and getting around faster is the total key. Damn Linzes. You need to lose the Weavers. Don’t touch him!! Sweet. Throw down.

9:22 Snow in the forecast?

9:23 Looks as if the Bransens played their hand too early. Ouch. Should’ve asked for a more earlier flight. That could be what lost it for them. We’ll see.

9:27 I’m a lumber jack and I’m okay!!

9:28 Come on Linzes! Just look around!! You stupid fucks!! Just look around!! I can’t believe we let these fools be the ones to go up against that juggarnaut that is the Weavers.

9:32 We need a bunch. Bunch. A bunch. Come on. Lot of hot chicks in Montreal.

9:40 Buckminster Fuller!! In your own!! Geodesic Dome!!! But then the fucking Weavers are going to win it all. Damn them. Just as I had called it. We need some bunching. Bunching. Bunching.

9:42 I am so disappointed with this final. A bunch of incompetents. The Bransens choosing the absolute worst road block. Don’t they realize that rolling logs takes some muscle. They really need to bunch. Come on. And the Linzes are running a pretty stupid leg. Their stupidity will kill them in the end. Read the clues. Take things fast but in a controlled manner.

9:50 God. Please drop that kid on his head. Damn. There is no God.

9:55 You can’t do this road block because your team chose the wrong person to be flying through the air. I would suggest you use the lightest on the team. Another boneheaded move for the Linzes.

10:02 Looks as if they’re sleeping in the estade olympic. Just like the Hurricane Katrina victims. And finally BUNCHING!!

10:08 Stupid Weavers. That’s the name of the game. Play or get off. I hope you have a nice 2 hour penalty. If not, this game is rigged. Be thankful you are not eating 2 lbs of caviar.

10:09 Home again for your pets. Implant a chip in your dog.

10:27 Shoe. Please no bunching.

10:34 Shoe?! That’s tough. Wally is such a negative Nelly. I wish he would just explode and shout some expletives. F&%@ this s*#t! Is your foot small, motherf@#%er! Good luck on that task Wally.

10:42 Sweet!! Smooth move Mom Weaver. Not to be in touch with your directions. You could’ve won this but that is just the wrong move.

10:43 Come on Bransens. Please don’t make the Linzes win. Damn.

10:45 Jigsaw puzzle!! Come on let’s run. Go Bransen girls and Wally.

10:51 Damn. Rhode Island!! Why do you have to be so small? O well. The stupids won. Congrats to the young ones. They had a built in advantage.

10:55 Congrats to the winners. Congrats to all the racers. This is an Amazing Race!

10:57 Season 9! Back to the original format! Back to racing around the world. Febuary. See you then.

Amazing Race: Family Edition Almost there.

It has been a while since I posted about the Amazing Race. Even though this one is not as fun as the other times, I still like the concept and the show. YeeHaw! I can’t stand those Weavers. They are going to win and when they do they shall praise god and heaven. I don’t want to hear it.

This season has not have the jump up and down feel to it. I think it has to do with them driving all the time. There’s no taxis. There’s no trains. There’s no planes. Too much automobiles. They should’ve taken AmTrack somewhere. That would’ve been cool.

The Amazing Race Season 8 Family Edition

I am still digging on the Amazing Race Family Edition. But it’s not as fun as the normal style, because they are going to be sticking in the US. There seems to be no flights to foreign lands which, if you know anything about the Amazing Race, the airport is the great equalizer.

Today’s episode had them running around York, PA and then onto Washington, D.C. Just around my backyard. I wondered when they did this? I would’ve liked to have seen them running. They did go down I-83, and I was expecting them to be stuck circling the beltway trying to find I-95 south.

This style is going to be a drag, if they don’t start bunching. I think I am still rooting for the all girls squad. Also, the son-in-laws.

Like Christmas in July

The Game Show Network (you do have to fill up the 500 channels with something) is showing The Amazing Race from season one to last year’s season seven.

Well since I started around season three, I have set my Tivo to record. (A new one with a bigger HD and cheaper too!) I am not gonna blog about it but it is good to make note of it.

Amazing Race 7 – Spoilers of the end

My predictions for the Amazing Race 7 didn’t turn out the way I thought. I had the Will Farrells winning it all, but they got philiminated a month or so ago. While I originally liked Rob and Amber, by the end, I wanted them gone. They have the luck of the Irish on them as it seemed they completed tasks quick or got on transportation faster. Ron and Kelly that has got to be painful. To have on national TV, a relationship completely disintegrating. Ouch. Uchenna and Joyce the eventual winners pulled one out their ass. Getting on the flight at the last moment made the last leg nerve racking but enjoyable. Congrats to them.

The Will Ferrells have been Philiminated

After staving off elimination for the last couple of weeks, the inevitable has happened. Brian and Greg have been eliminated from the Amazing Race 7. They were the breath of fresh air for this season. Okay, they were my pick to win, but they did show that they were a bunch of fun. They rocked.

So who’s left? Rob and Amber. They will win it if no one yields them. Meredith and Gretchen. They will be the next to be eliminated. Lynn and Alex. Too busy hating. Uchenna and his wife. Slim chance to win. The next leg is non-elimination and it’s in India. Heh, heh.

The Will Ferrells Crash!

Amazing Race 7 brings out the funny in people. The team of brothers Brian and Greg bring their humor to the show. I chose them to win this race, but it looks as if they may have run out of laughs.

Update: And they escape again in a thrilling footrace against this year’s J-Vic team! Yes!

Amazing Race 7: There should be a rule against that

Today, my predictions have gone to pot. It’s just like the NCAA tournament. My brackets have been blown apart. First, those I chose to be last won the latest round, the team I had picked second has been eliminated, and Rob and Amber are making me hate them.

I think that there shouldn’t be scheming and playing in the Amazing Race. The first couple of times was cute but the latest (quitting a roadblock because it was too hard) was sucky. It’s a terrible ploy. This is a race and it should be won by the soles of your feet not by your brains. This is why the eating roadblocks where they eat more than ever should be thought over.

The Will Farrells escape

My predications have so far been correct. Okay. I am one for one so far, but still I got this week’s eliminated team correct. My choice of winner came dangerously close to losing today. Why did I choose these fools? Damn Will Farrells! Damn! And the preview looks as if they’re out. Why did I choose these fools? And the Rob and Amber team looks to be a juggernaut.