Amazing Race Season 7 Premiere

Okay. The three weeks are up and the Amazing Race has started its world wide tour in a new season with 12 new contestant teams. This is the seventh season. I have seen three through six loving each one, but after the bicker-fest of last season the show has gotten a bit trying to watch. In fact a lot of the same stuff happened in this first episode that happened in the first episode of last season. The teams did a zip wire. They camped outside. Perhaps having the seasons back-to-back immediately is detrimental to enjoying the race, because you can remember all the ins and outs so readily. Absence does make the heart grow fonder. Hopefully, things will go smoothly as there seems to be a lack of a Victoria and Jonathons going around. Perhaps the editors are trying to make it more nice.

Anyway, back to this leg. I immediately am rooting for Rob and Amber to make it far, but not win it all. They act as if they don’t need the money, which they don’t as they have already won Survivor. They dawdled at the start, but meandered into a 3rd place finish this leg. I like that they don’t seem to be in a hurry. I also am rooting for the mom and son team more for the mom to give it her all. I was rooting for the rednecks from South Carolina, but (sorry to spoil it for you) they were eliminated this leg, in a footrace. The others I don’t have a feeling for just yet.

Here’s my prediction for the outcome of the race. Don’t hold me to it.

11 – Ryan and Chuck
10 – Megan and Heidi
9 — Lynn and Alex
8 — Meredeth and Gretchen
7 — Ron and Kelly
6 — Susan and Patrick
5 — Uchenna and Joyce
4 — Ray and Deanna
3 — Rob and Amber
2 — Debbie and Bianca
1 — Brian and Greg (The Will Ferrells!)

Amazing Race 6 wrapup

The end of Amazing Race 6 was incredible. I know I said that I wasn’t excited, but damn if it didn’t turn out that way. I was jumping up and down as the end drew near hoping that Kris and John could pull it off. Sadly, no. They trusted the American Airlines guy who gave them bad advice arriving in Chicago, the final city, 15 minutes later than Freddy and Kendra. I love that this show makes me agitated when watching it. My prediction came true and Freddy and Kendra won the million dollars. Congrats to them. I am especially enamoured of Kris who was a total trooper and proved that she can keep up with the big boys. Kris and John was a total team and there was no weak link in it. Kris never seemed to not be up in doing a roadblock. She was fearless. I would say that if I had a girlfriend I would like her to be just like Kris. Amazing.

See you in three weeks when Amazing Race 7 starts up.

Last leg of Amazing Race 6

Okay, I haven’t been posting about the Amazing Race lately, because it just hasn’t excitetd me this time around. I think that it is because I don’t like any of the final contestants left. Plus, their bickering has put a damper on the contest that it is hard to be excited about it. That said, tonight is the season finale. I’ll be watching, and like the rest of those interested, I’ll be rooting for Kris and Jon. It will probably be Freddy and Kendra who win it though.

Ding-dong! The witch’s dead!

Finally, after making the latest version of the Amazing Race close to unbearable to watch, Jonathan and Victoria have been eliminated.

I started out enthusiastic about the Amazing Race, but lately it has been a pain to watch. I think that it is because there are not many likeable teams left. It’s been since Thanksgiving that the hotties have not been around. Even the old couple were fun to watch, but now there is no team that makes me want to root for them. There are even no teams that make me want to root against them. They’re all either boring or bickering. I can’t stand the fact that the majority of teams are quarreling. It is a turn off when every one of them yell at each other. It is tough to watch.

Clip Show?

The Amazing Race had a clip show to fill in the newbies on what’s been happening for this season. I was rather disappointed that it was a clip show, but figured that no one is watching TV during the holidays so it was better than nothing. Once again it shows us the hotties who gave us the line of the year. That Kristy is awesome. I miss them. I keep wanting them to come back. They have been my most favorite team, ever. I can’t wait til next year for the next episode. See you then.

Put it in “H”

Why’d CBS think people want to see a show on culture rather than the Amazing Race? Thank god I got a season pass. This leg finds the racers going to Budapest. That trebi car is cool. It reminded me of the Simpsons episode with Mr. Plow. “Put it in H.” “What country is this from?” This episode ends in a cliffhanger, but I think those are the last we see of Bolo. Damn, that team grows on you.

Live blogging the Amazing Race

I am blogging the latest episode of the Amazing Race, so that I can post my witticisms here instead of shouting at the screen. Ready? Then let’s go.

20:59 — If you haven’t yet check out the hilarious recaps and caplets over at Television without Pity. They also host the TARCon.

21:01 — Who will be eliminated? My bet’s on Don and Mary Jean, the old couple.

21:05 — Where will they get the money in poor Africa? They need to hit up the dumb tourists! Alliances? Go Johnathon and Victoria. Victory for bickering couples everywhere and assholes in particular. Is it me or are the teams so unrecognizable. When the hotties have been eliminated no one is left to root for, because every one seems to be interchangeable. “A reason to leave?” Was that a really insensitive remark?

21:09 — A single rose. A little history lesson? A reminder that the history of the world has a lot of evil episodes in it. Beautiful. Can we also start the racing now?

21:11 — Berlin, Germany! Begging from the other competitors, genuis! I knew it was going to be tough to ask the poor people of Senegal.

21:14 — Kendra is just a wretched human being. It’s not like the Senegalese wanted to be born there. Appreciate your luck in life, biotch!

21:16 — Bolo, just break them off a little something something. Suplex! This is hard. I can’t watch and type at the same time. It makes watching the show a lot less enjoyable.

21:20 — What happened? The drama turned out to be undramatical! Bolo! More following. That’s part of the game. When you end up not following, then you’re losing. I am rooting against Kendra. Biotch! Gundzumteit!

21:26 — “We humans are capable of so much horror!” Beer! Beer! Beer! Beer! Brats! Brats! Brats! Jonathon == I love Lucy!! “If she [Lucy] can do it I can do it.” Now that’s a motto to live by.

21:31 — Don and Mary Jean are not disappointing me, except they should read the fsking clue.

21:39 — Dad is a lush. That is funny. I think my father would have done the same.

21: 41 — Unfortunately, you old fools, you are last. Noooo. Not Bolo! Always take a taxi. That is rule #1 of the Amazing Race.

21:48 — This using other people in the city, sucks. They should not be allowed to do it. Unless you’re the hotties.

21:51 — Fsck. The biotches! Fsck! Did he just hit her? Damn. That guys an asshole. When will they be eliminated? Damn. Fsking biotch! Why the biotch!

21:54 — Did I call it? Or what? Mary Jean is a cutie for an old lady. I’ll miss their “will do” spirit. Bolo, you’re next!

21:57 — Kendra, biotch, is down and sick. Good.

Okay, the show’s over. That was fun, but it took away from enjoying the show. Plus it made it go by so much quicker. Next time, I think I’ll just watch. One final reminder to read the recaplets at Television without Pity.

Another great episode of the Amazing Race

Tues. 9:00 PM. CBS. The Amazing Race. It always has me on the edge of my seat. I am glad that this leg was a non-elimination leg. The elderly couple, Don and MJ stave off elimination for another day. Close call for Gus and Hera. These people have bad strategies. Choosing the slower detour is rather risky.

This leg occured in Dakar, Senegal. I liked when someone said that it sucks. I replied to the TV that they haven’t seen India yet.

Adam is an emo-boy. What a wuss. He’s damaged goods for Rebecca. I can’t wait for there elimination to see what each says and to see them on the CBS morning show. Will they still be seeing each other?

“Counting Bears Is Not Rocket Science”

Last night’s Amazing Race episode ended in the saddest elimination ever, IMHO. I tried to Tivo their interview this morning on CBS, but woke up late again. I thought they would show it at 8 rather than 7, but luckily they have it on the CBS website. Check the hotties out. They ruled. What I liked about them was that they were the least combatative team left in the race. They supported each other throughout. Now what’s left? A bunch of the anonymous model teams and the bickering, quarreling teams. I have never felt so angry that a team lost. I have rooted for teams, felt sad that some lost, but never so disappointed. Lena and Kristy ruled. What a good run for them I shall miss them. And it seems that everyone will too.