Down and out in Stockholm

The hotties have been eliminated. No!!! Why are the teams I root for always eliminated first. I think I had a thing for Christy, another cute brunette. They were did in by the last roadblock. Even reaching it in 5th place, they could not find the clue. Actually, Lena couldn’t but I feel disappointed. Who to root for in the next round?

“I’m Not His Wife — He Doesn’t Need To Scream At Me”

Leg 2 of the Amazing Race has our contestants flying from Iceland to Norway. Again, they are traipsing in some of the countries that I loved visiting. The visit Holmenkollen ski jump. I wondered what I would be like to have launched from there. Now I know. This time around there is much bickering. I can’t stand any team especially, that Johnathon guy. He mistreats his wife. Hopefully, he really isn’t like that. Dude is intense. I am rooting now for the Mormon hotties. They’re cute and haven’t bickered once. They almost got last. This leg shows that one essential skill you should have is driving stick. You never know what you’ll find in Europe, but you can expect to be driving a manual car. Learn it. Know it. Live it.

Friends in high places

My friend, Wyman Lee, has got a personal web site going on. I couldn’t tell if its an actual blog, but it looks as if it is considering its got posts and all. I see that he has posted about the Amazing Race. Check it out. But turn on your pop-up blocker, because its a Lycos server.

“Why must you people insist I learn your names?”

The Amazing Race ended tonight on their two hour race finale. Hopefully, this post is set for the future and you won’t read it until it has aired in your time zone. SPOILER ALERT!!

Congratulations to Chip & Kim! They proved the old adage that slow and steady wins the race, the turtle beats the hare. They got some luck in finding that the teams ahead of them were on a delayed flight. Took advantage of that good bit of fortune and won it all in Texas. Sorry to Colin & Christie. You guys were unstoppable, but lucked out in the end.

I can’t wait til season 6.

“The monkey clown horrible karate round and yummy like cute small baby chick would beat the donkey.”

I have told you of my fondness for CBS’s reality series, The Amazing Race. I have it TiVo’d, but still watch it live. Well, they are concluding this season next week with a two hour finally.

Today’s episode had them visiting the motherland. They rode in jeepneys and pushed around caribous. There are only four teams left, and today was the final non-elimination leg of the race. Next week we find out who wins. I am rooting for Chip and Kim, but actually think the Bowling Moms may squeek by. That Colin dude needs some anger management courses or he may eventually beat up his girlfriend and teammate, Christie. As for the Lord’s team, they look like they may finish in the middle of the pack. Not bad, but not millionaires in the end.

I hope you watch the season finale.

The Amazing Race (again)

I have already sung the praises of CBS reality show, The Amazing Race, trying to get you all to see it. It is the most fun show to watch on TV. I always shout at the screen rooting and jeering at the teams. So watch it. And if you missed any shows catch the recaps on Television Without Pity. They’re hilarious.

The Amazing Race

Finally, season 5 of the best reality show is on. I don’t know who to root for. I think the twins! We’ll see how it shapes up. Right now I can’t stand the Texas queen. This is going to be so fun. My TiVo is ready.