“To be in love”

From the comments in Capitol Swell’s post on the hotness of Grace Park comes this interesting tidbit from the seed.

2ndseed said…

The only thing that sucks about watching Battlestar Galactica is that it isn’t Macross. That batlles definitly look like a scene from any Macross battle, the ship full of citizens just trying to make ends meet. Man it’s so close to being Macross. Battlestar is just a TV show and it’s truly amazing. Just imagine a live trilogy movie adaption of Macross. I’m not saying the whole Robotech Saga, just Macross. It would blow away anything before and after.

Battlestar Galactica is a very good show. I have it on TiVo and usually watch it Saturday mornings just to catch up. Grace Park doesn’t do it for me. She’s too cylon-y. She’s hot in that picture, but…

Anyway, I liked the Macross interjection in the comment. So let’s open up this joint and see who to cast in a live version of Macross. I am starting this thread to see who you think should play the parts.

Instead of being serious, I am going to start with something amusing: casting the “Frat Pack” in the male roles.

Roy Fokker : Vince Vaughn
Rick Hunter : ??? [I don’t know]
Breetai : Jon Favreau
Captain Gloval : Stephen Root
Khyron : Ben Stiller
Ben : Owen Wilson
Max Sterling : Luke Wilson
Dolza : Will Ferrell
Exedore : David Duchovny
Lynn Kyle : Ron Livingston

The women’s roles? Let’s get some hotties.
Lisa : Rachel McAdams
Lynn Minmei : Devon Aoki [I don’t like this pick, but who knows hot young chinese actresses?]
Claudia : Gabrielle Union
Azonia : Catherine Zeta-Jones
Miriya : Kate Beckinsale
Sammie : Kirsten Dunst
Kim : Lindsay Lohan
Vanessa : Eliza Dushku

Now that is a funky list. The actresses are hot and the men are funny. I wonder how that would work? Post your’s in the comments.