
This is something to look forward to. I hope we can see it in the theaters rather than streaming. I also want the salty, buttery oil popcorn, too. Man, do I miss that snack.

#BeExcellent #PartyOn

「Sing Out!」

Nogizaka46’s 23rd Single, “Sing Out!” music video ban has been lifted. Not their best of songs, but certainly brings a smile to my face as all things Nogi does. It will be released at the end of this month. Looking forward to it.

Bring Peas!


Nogizaka46 is coming up on their 6th Year Anniversary. It’s already been a tumultuous ending to their fifth year with two first generation graduation announcements (as of today). But us fans can look forward to their 6th Year Birthday Live… in July!

Traditionally, they would’ve held it on the 22nd of the month. It’s the date of the release of this song, Guru Guru Curtain, their first single.

So as we countdown to the 22nd, let’s just enjoy their songs. Forget about the graduations. Smile at the senbatsu members. And continue to support the group.

THOR: RAGNAROK [teaser trailer]

Watched Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 2. This was the funnest trailer. I can’t wait.

The use of Led Zeppelin’s “Immigrant Song” is just perfect. Cate Blanchet’s Hela is also awesome!


Woke up at 4 because I’m still getting use to not Daylight Savings Time. But also quite nervous, because I wanted to vote early. Got up, got dressed, swigged some O.J., then headed to my polling place around ten ’til seven. When I got there, the parking lot had spaces, but the line was long. We piled into the building, which made the line turn into a Disney World special. I was close to the door to the polling place, but the line snaked around the corner which was a deep corridor.

It took about 35 minutes before I got my ballot. Five minutes to vote. Then another 15 minutes before I could scan it in the one ballot reader they had there.

About an hour to vote. Hope it turns out good. I’ll miss President Obama. I’m hoping his successor would be just as good.

“Chicago, 1968. The Democratic Convention. Hippies and yippies alike fill the streets, waging a war of peace against Mayor Daley’s thugs. There I was… watching it on TV in my dorm and drinking.”

Link of the Day [9.10.15]

I would post this tomorrow, but it would stop the momentum that is NewsRadio Quote Month. Err, I like to call it September also.

So today, umm, tonight, go check out Nogizaka46’s first documentary website. There’s no trailer there, so I don’t know what you’ll do there. I hope you get the Ikuchan banner. At least, it would make it worthwhile to click the link. In reality, I can’t wait for the fansubs of this one. I’ve been watching the AKB48 documentaries, and they are all good. The movies make you appreciate the hard work of the members, and they remind you that these are real humans — girls with feelings. I wish them all the best. And to work hard. I think I’m an idol otaku!
