75 Wins

Pitchers and catchers report tomorrow for spring training. And also Adam Jones.

I’m excited and hopeful, but that’s how it is at the start of a new season. After last year’s dismal finish, this year has got to be better. Are the Orioles a .500 team? Doubtful. There offseason acquisitions only bolstered the team little. They have to win 19 or more games than last year to get to the mediocre .500, and I don’t think they could do it.

They’re pitchers have to do good. At least one of them has to be a 13 game winner, and they need three to be 10 game winners to make them semi-decent.

They need a homerun hitter or at least someone to hit 25+ homeruns. Luke Scott? If he’s still on the team by years end. Markakis or Jones? Maybe. Weiters? Hopefully.

They need to generate runs and to keep giving up the homeruns themselves. They also need to play decent games against the monsters of the east, NY and Boston. They play 18 games against each of them. If they can win 12 of 36, that would be amazing.

So, I predict that we’ll win 75 games this year. It is reasonable enough and we know we’re headed in the right direction. We’ll see how we stack up at the all star break.

Kami-sama’s Trailer

Will this make up for the debacle of Endless Eight?

I’m hoping so, because I am so psyched for this. I’m getting the bit torrent client ready.

31 Days

December 1, 2009. Look at that date. 12-01-09. Twelve. One. Zero-nine. It is finally here.The end of the year is coming, and with it, the end of the decade. The first one of the 21st century. It seemed like it was only yesterday that we had just worried about Y2K. It seemed like it was only yesterday that we had nothing to fear. It seemed like it was only yesterday that the future was bright.But now the future is here and it isn't like anything we thought it was going to be. It has changed. Not as glorious as we would've liked. Everything and more as it was meant to be. What is it that has come before this day? What is it that will be from here on out? The past is certain. The present is clear. The future starts now.

It’s just a boring sport…

Yankees @ Orioles Opening Day 2009
Opening Day 2009

Toronto Blue Jays @ Baltimore Orioles, Oct 3, 2009
Penultimate Game, 2009

Caught several innings of tonight’s Tigers-Twins game. Didn’t see the win, but was impressed.

It’s October ball. Can’t wait for next year though…