30 Years And Computing

Apple is celebrating 30 years of the Macintosh. It’s a neat site, because you participate by entering which was your first Mac and what did you do with it.

My first Mac was the PowerBook 140, the beginning of my fascination with their laptops. I’m planning to get their latest MacBook Pro with Retina Display, but I’m waiting for the right time. It seems like I’m always waiting for the right time with Apple.

After the PowerBook 140 came the PowerBook 190 five years later. Then came the TiBook another seven years during which I wanted but never could buy a desktop Mac. My first one was a Mac Mini… I’ll keep waiting and waiting for a better desktop…

Here’s to another 30 more years of the Mac and to Apple.

iPad Mini

Thoughts on this thing I am typing on.

When I first picked it up: Damn this thing is small. I thought it was going to be bigger.

Now it feels like iPhone 3GS. The screen doesn’t feel too nice. It feels kind of plasticky. Plus it misses the retina display. If it had that, I think it would be worth the money. This is the 32MB wireless+cellular. It’s kind of pricy for this thing that looks like an Amazon Kindle or a Nook.

Now that I think of it this thing reminds me of my Mini. Plasticky and pricy. But you know I love my Mini. Do I like this a lot so far.

Sadly Mac

Who's got the juice?

MacBook Pro is weezing and injured.

The laptop on the left lost its display last Tuesday. I’ve been connecting to it via screen sharing, but even that is going. It takes two or three boots before it displays itself on the network. When I mounted it as a firewire drive, it complained that the drive was bad. Running DiskUtility on it and DiskUtility wants me to copy as much off the disk as possible and reformat.

I’ve Carbon Copy Cloned her drive, but haven’t tested if the copy was good. Fingers are crossed that the back up went well, because I’m going to have to try and get her fixed up. Or maybe its time for a new laptop. A new MacBook Pro with an SSD drive!

Link of the Day [11.27.11]

Followed a link from Kottke this morning to Susan Kare’s website. She was the original designer of many of the visual interface icons on the original Macintosh. Now I want a few prints of her classic icons. The Happy Mac. The Sad Mac. The Bomb. The Dogcow. What should I choose? Or should I let you choose for Secret Santa.
