Link of the Day [10.11.11]

Punter! Just because you finally got a computer doesn't necessary means you've joined the digital age.This opinion piece about Steve Job's legacy by a "journalist" is one of the most ill informed things I read all year. This "journalist" doesn't realize the contributions that Apple had give to the computer age. Let's see, the original Apple I computer is one of the first computers manufactured for regular consumers. Then you have the Macintosh which ushered in the GUI. Next, you have iPhone that changed the idea of what a mass market computing device is. Finally, the iPad which is where computers are going to go in the near future. This is just from the computer age, which is what we're living in today. Technology you see today has been advanced through Apple driven by Steve Jobs.And I'm only addressing Job's impact on technology. He's very influential in design and in business practices. Plus, he did own a little movie production studio called Pixar. Ever heard of it? What a git this Robert Samuelson is.

R.I.P. Steve Jobs

That’s what you see on Apple’s home page this evening. Steve Jobs has died and has left us to a future of our own, one where we must decide what technology will be like on our own. That is daunting, but one which we will live in.

As for Steve, he’s the man. You can’t imagine. Or you could because he brought us the future. It’s in your hands. It’s on your desktop. And on your lap. It was his vision and we were glad for it.

He’s made our present the future and our lives less complicated. Thank you once again.

Rest in peace, Steve, rest in peace.

“Rupert Murdoch laughed at me so hard, I thought my speakerphone would burst into flames.”

Link of the Day [9.04.11]

Apple was down in the dumps in the early 00s that in 2001, I remember their stock at $12. This is even after Apple came back with the bondi blue iMac. The company was working, but they were still getting worked. Now look at them. A juggernaut. This is what Steve Jobs left behind.

Thank You Steve Jobs

I don't know what to say.You've made a fine company.Thank you.May the road rise with you on your next adventure.Best wishes.

Link of the Day [7.21.11]

I did purchase Lion last night and currently in the middle of the download. Actually, I’m nowhere near the middle as my pocky, slow-ass DSL will take a few days to pull in the full 3+ GB file. That’s one strike against it. Only when the US internet speeds are decent will digital downloads be awesome.

Anyhow, if it’s a new version of OS X, then it’s time for the Ars Technica data dump/review. If you played around with Lion, read it and see if it matches your experience. If you haven’t, read it and see if it gets you to upgrade.

Now back to my download…. {I’ll see you in a couple of days…}

Docket Lion

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Purchased Lion for the MacIntel Mini. Downloading it as we speak. On DSL. This will take a few days.

It took a couple of days to get Disappearance and that was a good 3+ GB torrent. Why’d I do it. I have no idea, but for $25 I think it may be worth it for a major upgrade to OS X.

When’s Liger coming out?

Quote of the Day [7.20.11]

"[T]here are stocks, bonds, commodities and Apple Inc. Apple has become its own asset class and an incredibly impressive one at that. What happens with Apple is not a new economic indicator for the broad economy but more an undeniable endorsement of an amazing product and brand."Peter Boockvar, The Big Picture, "Stocks, bonds, commodities and Apple Inc."

Link of the Day [6.07.11]

Yesterday, I asked a question about Twitter/iOS integration. Today's link gives an idea of what it was all about. Again, will this mean more followers, especially, those who use facebook? Or will Apple in the next release include facebook? Currently, glad that my only true social network persona resides on Twitter thus Apple's plans validate my choice. I wonder why facebook didn't join in or if they were even asked.