The Internet Ate My Baby

Upgraded the MobileMe calendar to the latest one because they kept hassling me every time I logged on. Of course doing so came with plenty of caveats. First is that it is really for Snow Leopard. Sadly, my main machine is still Leopard. I haven’t taken that plunge because of the file binding issue. Second, is that MobileMe hates the Camino browser and Mozilla in general. Not really, but Camino is getting long in tooth and is probably on its way to the dev/null in bit bucket heaven.

So I go ahead any way. Ignoring these warnings.

Once I am done I am curious as to what really happens upon the sync. I open up iCal. Create a test entry. Click sync.

I get the weird diff viewer telling me I had a couple hundred events that were about to be deleted. Cool! It’ll clean my stuff up. Of course it will and it did. Cleaned it all sparkly and new so that I had no more calendars in iCal. Now how am I to sync? Luckily, Apple knows that some users are just lazy and has helpfully created a support page to address syncing with 10.5.x. My calendars are back.

Now hop do you sync with 10.4.x?

Quote and Link of the Day [3.04.11]

"There was a time before the iPod too, when companies like HP, Samsung, and even Microsoft fought against Apple for the hearts and minds of the consumer — but I'll be damned if anyone can remember it."This piece I feel was written 3 years too late, and in hindsight, it's actually 10 years. I've felt that ever since iPhone, Apple has been dominating the consumer consciousness, but it was pretty much since the iPod. Every year, they set the bar in personal computing. They ignore what others are doing because after a bit, what others are doing is copying Apple. "Lead, follow, or get out of the way."Apple is the leader.The "iPod killer," the "iPhone killer," and the "iPad killer" are all followers.Microsoft is so confused it doesn't even know if it's still playing the same game.Every evolutionary step for Apple is a revolutionary step for the computing industry. We're just along for the ride.

Apple Kills

Apple will drink your milkshake. They know what to do. And as the link alludes, they know what not to do as well. Apple sets itself apart and makes everyone follow. In an industry of me toos, good for Apple to be original.

– Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


I do not like this development at all.It will bring junk to the Mac. Look at the mobile AppStore. Plus, that split is bothering me. Why should I get permission to put an application out for others to download to their own computer.Don't like this development one bit.

Mac Development

I need to revisit my 5 year plan. Get the fuck out of IniTech and go all Delicious Mac development.But no.I'm a pussy.That's why I work at IniTech.(I think I wrote this post 5 years ago) FML

Link of the Day [7.27.10]

Should I replace my wired mouse with the new MagicTrackPad? Most of my cursor manipulation with Apple products is based on touching: iPhone, my Mac Book Pro. The mice I use are only hooked up to my computer at work (sucky Dell boxes) and to the Mac Mini (the Intel Mini is replacing the PPC!). By replacing the mouse at home, it will be nothing but touch on a personal level.I'm just about to make the change. I think it may help reduce repetitive stress disorders from using the mouse. It costs $69 plus state taxes and shipping charges. I'm buying it, as long as I don't have to go to the Apple store.

Link of the Day [6.26.10]

I was confused about what the “multi-tasking” in the iPhone OS was all about. Are these apps terminated? Are they suspended? If they don’t ever terminate, how do you truly quit the app? The hold “home-power” quit?

Here’s a link, via Daring Fireball, that covers some of the basics of this new feature. Now I understand.