Link of the Day [1.15.09]
With the news yesterday of Steve Job’s hiatus because of his illness, perhaps today’s link may come true.
Dear kami-sama, please take care of Mr. Jobs. Get him back healthy. And please bring me a new Mac Mini.
The company from Cupertino, CA
With the news yesterday of Steve Job’s hiatus because of his illness, perhaps today’s link may come true.
Dear kami-sama, please take care of Mr. Jobs. Get him back healthy. And please bring me a new Mac Mini.
No new Mini. 🙁
“So now I’ve said more than I wanted to say, and all that I am going to say, about this.”
Steve Jobs
Links are easy to find, but good sites aren’t. Go find them yourself! :p
PS. I haven’t updated some of the previous posts to reflect that its 2009 to remind me that time really is flying by.
Apple asks, "Which MacBook are you?" will probably answer, "none of the above."I'm the old school, last gen, aluminum MacBook Pro. Can I be the next
gen PowerBook user?Taking a look at that page, the MacBook Air is pretty sorry looking, so
last year's model. When will it get the new cosmetics to make it sleek
and sexy like its brethren?
"I mean the updates are cute and all… but I think I actually prefer the refurb of previous gen. I like the old silver keys."TheSeed, hoisted from comments in today's "Link of the Day"
Trying to get a jump on the Apple presentation today, DaringFireball goes over the Engadget rumor of the latest MacBooks. Looks to be the real deal here. We’ll know for sure by this afternoon. But it doesn’t excite me. I wonder if they’re gonna announce a new MacMini.
Link of the Day [9.15.08]
Pressed for time. I don’t know what to link. I think you’re on your own today. How about you link in something good today? Put them in the comments.
O, by the way, here’s an article about Apple’s exlcusionary policies that may begin to annoy the development community.
IPhone looks to be a winner in Japan. All those naysayers seemed to be wrong as there are lines as long as there are here in the states.
(Read before DaringFireball linked it)