La Guernica

This is interesting, too. On this day, besides Hiroshima, the Spanish town of Guernica was devastated by German bombs. It’s another sad memory for mankind.

Hanging in the Rénia Sofia is Picasso’s La Guernica painted in response to the tragedy of that day. It’s perhaps the most visited painting in that museum.

When we visited last year (it’s been almost year?), there were crowds around it. The scene reminded me of seeing the Mona Lisa at the Louvre. People were intensely studying it and contemplating the horrors of the day. They say it’s one of the more humanistic of paintings. You see it and you wonder how we could do such a thing. Man can be so unkind to his fellows.

It’ll be an everlasting testament to evil.

In Hiroshima, there still exists burnt out shell of the Hiroshima Prefecture Industrial Promotion Hall. It signifies our yearning for peace. Can’t we all just get along?

Link of the Day [5.30.08]

Chris Bishop is an illustrator who did the Pretty girl and robot series that I loved looking at. He also is exhibiting at ARTOMATIC in DC. CapitolSwell had mentioned it awhile back, but in reference to a friend of his showing. I hope he had a chance to admire some of Chris Bishops work.

Maybe one of these days, I can but his a piece. Until then let’s enjoy the sublime, Girl versus Pig.

Link of the Day [5.12.08]

I took an animation class while in film school. I liked it plenty.

I use to read CartoonBrew daily just because it seemed to be connected with the industry. I like their stance on dearth of hand drawn animation in the US.

If you love animation, then you can do no wrong than by visiting today’s link.

España 2007: Madrid

These are cool rooms blurred Plaza de Santa Ana Yglesias Que es? Tourism in Madrid

Aug 17, 2007

12:45 Madrid – Hotel Alicia
What am I doing in my room? I should be out partying. Now. Got into Madrid about 2:30 yesterday. Ate some donuts on the road. Got told to fuck off by Walter because of driving en España. Had some tapas on the square. Ate dinner at 10:30 at Muséo dé Jamon. This hotel is too vogue-ish.

9:10 Hotel Alicia
Toured Madrid all day. Went to the Prado. Saw just about everything again. Went to Rénia Sofia. Saw Miro, Picasso, Guarnica, Tired. Bought tchotkes. I’m out of cash. Only have €5.30.

More Fine Art

Here’s another link to some fine art (if you can call it that) that I wish someone to buy it for me. That last sentence is awkward. This next one should be just fine. Check out Chris Bishop and his web comic is not too bad either.

Bedrock Billards in Washington DC. January 6 – March 3

Won on ebay

I won a Shag print on ebay. Did I really mean to do it? I just showed up at the last minute and sniped it not thinking that I would actually be the highest bidder. Lucky me, I won. I was expecting to be outbidded or sniped before the end. I like the print, but it wasn’t the top one on my list. Now I’ve got to pay for it and get it nicely framed. Where should I hang it?

One sheet. Two Sheet.

Posterwire, a blog about movie posters. Neat. I have several in my collection, if you want to call it that. I like to collect them but don’t have space for them so I don’t. Anyway, my favorites so far are Joe V. The Volcano and Swingers.