December needs more days

I’m going to start to stress out. Maybe I shouldn’t have sat on my ass for the last month. I should’ve done some Christmas shopping and finished up my paper.

1 Get car to shop
2 Study for Spec. and Recs.
3 Finish final course paper for Software Arch.
4 Study for Software Arch.
5 Ironing
6 Christmas shopping

I need some type of medication. Calgon, take me away!

In Transit


I keep a meticulous log of mileage in my car. I know what each of the ticks on the gas gauge means. How much gas left in the tank. How much further I can go before stopping and fueling up. It’s a metrics I like.

This last tank of gas has been less than average. I was at 150 trip miles on the 3/8 tick mark (the third from the right/full). I was at 198 at the half way mark. By my calculations, I am lagging about 6 miles from my average, and I know why.


I’ve been stuck in traffic the last couple of days. On Tuesday, it took an hour and 20 minutes to get to work. The normal commute is half that. Tonight, it took another hour to get to my mom’s. The normal commute is half that. All this traffic is impacting my gas mileage. And I notice it.

I’m getting tired of driving. When I’m sitting in traffic, wending my way to work, I’m thinking about public transportation. I want a better commute. *sigh*

100,000 miles and running

.flickr-photo { border: solid 1px #000000; }.flickr-frame { float: left; text-align: center; margin-right: 15px; margin-bottom: 15px; }.flickr-caption { font-size: 0.8em; margin-top: 0px; }

originally uploaded by browsermetrics.

Today my car has past the 100K mile mark. It occurred around 8 AM on 695 right under the Stevenson Rd. overpass. You can check the last hundred miles until I reached this mark in my flickr account. Check the set out.


Gas prices are high.

I was driving in to work and was at 320 miles since my last fill up last friday. I did a lot of driving the last few days running errands and picking people up that I burned gas quicker than normal. So last night I planned to get gas hopefully to avoid the cost adjustment because of Hurricane Katrina.

Well, as I drove in this morning I saw at one station in Chase, $3.18 for premium and $2.99 for regular. I decided then and there to not wait until after work but to fill up now. You see, when I usually wait, by the time I get to the gas station in the afternoon, the price has changed by 10 cents.

So, I stopped at my favorite cheap gas, the Exxon by work. Filled up 12.440 gallons of premium (damn turbo!) for about $35.00 at $2.89 a gallon. I think I saved a few dollars.

Leaving work in the afternoon, there was a line to get in to the Exxon, and it was $3.20 for premium.


Audio book of Sarah Vowell’s Assassination Vacation

The Daily Show’s blog on Live Journal discusses the audio book version of Sarah Vowell’s Assassination Vacation. The post discusses Jon Stewart’s involvement with the audio version. He plays President Garfield. And very funny at that. His was the funniest part of the entire audio book. I found the book to be funny, but every time Jon Stewart read a line I was cracking up. Now, I listened to it in the car stuck in traffic, and it must have been a site to see: me laughing with tears in my eyes alone in the car banging the steering wheel with glee. You should try to catch Sarah Vowell’s appearance on the Daily Show when she was shilling her book. I have it tivoed if you need it.(I think I have blogged about this already.)