夏 means summer

Summer songs seem to know no borders.

I can feel the heat rising off the black top. I can smell the ocean. I can feel the sand between the toes. And this is Japan?!

lyrical school with 「常夏(ナッツ)リターン」”Tokonatsu(Natsu) Return”

Journey's End

Journey’s End
Originally uploaded by browsermetrics.
Best thing about driving to the beach? The Beach!

This time, once again, in VA Beach. It was a horrible long drive. One with lots if traffic in DC, then in VA. 95 and 284 was all traffic. But chilling on the sand at the end of the day was worth it.

Polaroids in the Sun


Summer time!

I can’t believe it’s June, and I can’t believe I haven’t ridden my bike yet. Will this mean cycling into November?

Anywhoo, I’m posting this pic (again?) because it was done with a Polaroid camera. Digital, instant gratification before there was digital, instant gratification. I want to revive it, but they don’t make the film anymore. Except of course, the IMPOSSIBLE project has revived the film. I’m just wondering which camera I have to be able to purchase some film.