“That poor, loveable wino!”

Quote of the Day [9.29.10]She comes skimmin' through rays of violet. She can wade in drop of dew.
She don't come and I don't follow waits backstage while I sing to you."Sugar Magnolia" The Grateful Dead


The condo association was doing maintenance on the property. They were putting up flashing and redoing the AC ducts on some of the condos. They also decided to realign my satellite dish. Now I don’t get any TV.

I did have the digital receiver, but who wants to watch broadcast. I need my TCM.

So I’m spending the weekend without television. Looks like I can get through my netflix movie and some other DVDs that I haven’t opened yet. Looks like I will be spending more time on the internet not like I haven’t though. Looks like I should clean my house.

All work and no TV makes BrowserMetrics a dull boy. All work and no TV makes BrowserMetrics a dull boy. All work and no TV makes BrowserMetrics a dull boy. All work and no TV makes BrowserMetrics a dull boy. All work and no TV makes BrowserMetrics a dull boy. All work and no TV makes BrowserMetrics a dull boy. All work and no TV makes BrowserMetrics a dull boy. All work and no TV makes BrowserMetrics a dull boy. All work and no TV makes BrowserMetrics a dull boy. All work and no TV makes BrowserMetrics a dull boy. All work and no TV makes BrowserMetrics a dull boy. All work and no TV makes BrowserMetrics a dull boy. All work and no TV makes BrowserMetrics a dull boy. All work and no TV makes BrowserMetrics a dull boy. All work and no TV makes BrowserMetrics a dull boy. All work and no TV makes BrowserMetrics a dull boy. All work and no TV makes BrowserMetrics a dull boy. All work and no TV makes BrowserMetrics a dull boy. All work and no TV makes BrowserMetrics a dull boy. All work and no TV makes BrowserMetrics a dull boy. All work and no TV makes BrowserMetrics a dull boy. All work and no TV makes BrowserMetrics a dull boy. All work and no TV makes BrowserMetrics a dull boy. All work and no TV makes BrowserMetrics a dull boy. All work and no TV makes BrowserMetrics a dull boy. All work and no TV makes BrowserMetrics a dull boy. All work and no TV makes BrowserMetrics a dull boy. All work and no TV makes BrowserMetrics a dull boy. All work and no TV makes BrowserMetrics a dull boy. All work and no TV makes BrowserMetrics a dull boy. All work and no TV makes BrowserMetrics a dull boy. All work and no TV makes BrowserMetrics a dull boy. All work and no TV makes BrowserMetrics a dull boy. All work and no TV makes BrowserMetrics a dull boy. All work and no TV makes BrowserMetrics a dull boy. All work and no TV makes BrowserMetrics a dull boy.

You get the picture.

Misty Colored Memories

I’ve finally moved out of my mom’s house. All those things I’ve left behind are removed and gone.

“Wait,” you say, “Didn’t you already move seven years ago?”

Yes. But I finally started moving things out of my old room to make way for my brother to move in with his family.

It hit me as I took down my nostalgia board. This is all my memories and keepsakes, and they all must be thrown away. That was pretty hard to do. Throw it away. The prom boutonnieres: thrown away. The field day ribbons: trashed. Meg Ryan shrine: down, destroyed, and garbaged. Gone. Those things that are part of me. Gone.

It was the pack rat in me that saved it. I am cursed by this need to keep all minutiae of my life. I guess it happens because of the need to fill my empty life. They are there to remind me of good times I had.

Then there were the junk that I kept because I thought it would come in handy some day. Aren’t they all like that for a pack rat? I had magazines about the internet. How to make web pages? How to choose the right ISP? Ha ha! I had old Outside mags, Wired mags, and porn. Threw that away. Then I had to clear the junk drawer. All old wires thrown away. Who knows if it was mine? It could’ve been CapSwells. I threw away GameBoy games. Old videos. VHS tapes. It all goes.

Still, there’s plenty left to throw — books and clothing. I never know what to do with it. Recycle. I wonder where I can take old books.

These things are going away from my life. I hope I can remember them in my memories.

Post Grad

I was watching television last week and saw on Fox Movie Channel (they’ve got like 4 films they continuously show back to back to back to back) when they had a commercial break for the movie Post Grad. I thought hard about it and remembered that I did watch it. I didn’t write a review though so it’s as if I never saw it. And then I had to ask if I did see it.

That shows how much that movie was forgettable. The only cool thing in the movie was the belt buckles. Why’d I go see this? And when?

2 of 5 stars.

Freakin’ finally

I had email-posted this review friday afternoon from work. It finally showed up today. I had done the same with this other post last week and it took a day to show up. Blogger is all f’ed up sometimes when posting via email. Why do I even bother?