Chili Powder

3 Ancho Chiles
3 Cascabel Chiles
3 Arbol Chiles

Stemmed and seeded

2 Tblesp Whole Cumin

Roast in a pan

2 Tblsp Garlic Powder
2 Tblsp Paprika
1 Tblsp dried oregano

Blend with chiles cumin in a blender

Just as Alton Brown said…

Mental Note

Do not, I repeat, do not cut and paste from iOS Notes app to the blogger app. The style sheet will be copied as well making your post ugly.

Doesn’t anyone know the beauty of plain text?

Link of the Day [7.26.11]

I think I’ve decided on which size cycling shoe to keep. I’m gonna go with the slightly bigger one, the 42.5. I came to this decision after reading about how shoes should fit. Most sites were specific to men’s dress shoes. Today’s Link of the Day is cycling specific.

The main reason why I chose the larger size is because the tightness worries me. They may be snug, but fifty miles into a ride, they’ll be tight. I don’t want that. My feet don’t want that. Hopefully, this is the best choice.

The 42.5s fit decent. No tightness anywhere just a snug fit. The toe box is where I felt the tightness in the smaller size. My toes felt as if they were touching the front of the shoe. Also, around my forefoot was slightly tight. With the larger size, tightened down I feel snug in the shoe: not tight, but not loose. These feel good. Let’s ride.

Now about my Oakleys.

The Internet Ate My Baby

Upgraded the MobileMe calendar to the latest one because they kept hassling me every time I logged on. Of course doing so came with plenty of caveats. First is that it is really for Snow Leopard. Sadly, my main machine is still Leopard. I haven’t taken that plunge because of the file binding issue. Second, is that MobileMe hates the Camino browser and Mozilla in general. Not really, but Camino is getting long in tooth and is probably on its way to the dev/null in bit bucket heaven.

So I go ahead any way. Ignoring these warnings.

Once I am done I am curious as to what really happens upon the sync. I open up iCal. Create a test entry. Click sync.

I get the weird diff viewer telling me I had a couple hundred events that were about to be deleted. Cool! It’ll clean my stuff up. Of course it will and it did. Cleaned it all sparkly and new so that I had no more calendars in iCal. Now how am I to sync? Luckily, Apple knows that some users are just lazy and has helpfully created a support page to address syncing with 10.5.x. My calendars are back.

Now hop do you sync with 10.4.x?

“I still have the sweater my mother knitted for me when I was a baby.” “That’s sweet.” “And I’m wearing it right now.”

Link of the Day [9.11.10]

As you know, I play the guitar. Or rather “play” the guitar — I’m rather bad at it and have no rhythm whatsoever. Still, I love to play it and can’t wait to get another one. In the meantime, I usually try to play songs I like from bands I like. Rolling Stones. Alice in Chains. The Doors. Their songs are simple and playable from guitar tabs found on the net. That’s why I like them.

But there are lots of songs I would love to play, but their tabs are hard to find or nonexistent. Let’s get software to figure it out for us. Here’s a nice Mac program that can help you do just that. I want to try it really bad, but I have to much stuff to do. Perhaps, you can?