“So say we all!”

This is just a reminder that the series finally of Battlestar Galactica is on tonight.

Get your tivos programmed.

Battlestar Galactica: Razor

Awesome! Can’t wait until March for it to return? Or if ever because of the writer’s strike.

What was the most interesting revelation?

I thought it was the return of the original Cylon centurions and the raiders. Did they ever show them before?

TV blogging

As I sit at home on a Saturday afternoon, I think about some of the television I watched. Basically, I’m trying to catch up with what’s on my tivo.

First, we’ll start with a favorite for the last couple years: The Amazing Race. It’s fair to say that this is showing its age. Like the tired and worn survivor, the Amazing race inn it’s tenth season needs to reinvigorate itself. Of course this won’t happen this season, but the next race needs some changes. This year they started out with twelve teams rather than eleven. In the first episode, they eliminated two teams with one of those eliminations at the half way point of the leg. What would be better is if they eliminated a team at any time. Imagine that all teams make it through the first three legs, then starting after the next RoadBlock the last team finishing getting eliminated. Then it goes unpredictably from there. It would make good drama, but maybe not good racing. At this point, I would be blogging about the show, but I am not therefore I am none too excited about this show right now. Perhaps when I pick a team to root for…

Next, Battlestar Galactica premiered its new season on friday. What a disappointment. Perhaps I wanted Viper battles against Cylon raiders, but it wasn’t too exciting for me. It’s also overtly political. The story being occupation of a planet for the good of the occupied people. Iraq? They’re fucked. Yet, there are some intriguing developments. Is Roslyn a Cylon? Then how’s she going to escape the death squads? Is Baltar?

Thursdays it’s Supernatural. I missed the season opener and tivo did not record it for me. This weeks was about killer clowns. “Can’t sleep clowns will eat me.” At points I was scared. Darn clowns. Thus the X-Files lives!

Thursdays is also Ugly Betty. I just watched my first ep and found it funny as all get out. This is going to be good for the first eps then slowly crash into soap drama. I hope it works and makes it through.

That’s it for now. I want to try a few new shows, but the time is hard to find.

“To be in love”

From the comments in Capitol Swell’s post on the hotness of Grace Park comes this interesting tidbit from the seed.

2ndseed said…

The only thing that sucks about watching Battlestar Galactica is that it isn’t Macross. That batlles definitly look like a scene from any Macross battle, the ship full of citizens just trying to make ends meet. Man it’s so close to being Macross. Battlestar is just a TV show and it’s truly amazing. Just imagine a live trilogy movie adaption of Macross. I’m not saying the whole Robotech Saga, just Macross. It would blow away anything before and after.

Battlestar Galactica is a very good show. I have it on TiVo and usually watch it Saturday mornings just to catch up. Grace Park doesn’t do it for me. She’s too cylon-y. She’s hot in that picture, but…

Anyway, I liked the Macross interjection in the comment. So let’s open up this joint and see who to cast in a live version of Macross. I am starting this thread to see who you think should play the parts.

Instead of being serious, I am going to start with something amusing: casting the “Frat Pack” in the male roles.

Roy Fokker : Vince Vaughn
Rick Hunter : ??? [I don’t know]
Breetai : Jon Favreau
Captain Gloval : Stephen Root
Khyron : Ben Stiller
Ben : Owen Wilson
Max Sterling : Luke Wilson
Dolza : Will Ferrell
Exedore : David Duchovny
Lynn Kyle : Ron Livingston

The women’s roles? Let’s get some hotties.
Lisa : Rachel McAdams
Lynn Minmei : Devon Aoki [I don’t like this pick, but who knows hot young chinese actresses?]
Claudia : Gabrielle Union
Azonia : Catherine Zeta-Jones
Miriya : Kate Beckinsale
Sammie : Kirsten Dunst
Kim : Lindsay Lohan
Vanessa : Eliza Dushku

Now that is a funky list. The actresses are hot and the men are funny. I wonder how that would work? Post your’s in the comments.

Battlestar Galactica

Last year, I had TiVo’d the miniseries well ahead of its broadcast on NBC last week. At that time, I did not like the touches they had done. Starbuck a girl! Boomer an asian girl! Cylons as humans clones even?! Hrmph! Not to my liking.

Well, this year it has become a full blown TV series. From the first two episodes, I like it better. I had seen some of the orignal series and now beginning to understand why they set up the story line like this. The original was one long story arc: find Earth and the lost tribe of space humans. This one tries to do the same. I must stay tuned to see if they can do it. Set Tivo.