Go to to commiserate with fellow Orioles fans on how bad our home team is. This team is worst than they were last year. It’s hard to say that, but it’s true.

Why my season tickets are close to the field

Look who nick threw the ball to #Orioles  on Twitpic

Foul balls were flying my way all night long. Close to last years seats. In fact, I most likely would’ve been the one reaching for the one that bounced back onto the field in the fourth.

I seem to get a ball every year. This one in the bottom of the eighth. Markakis catches a routine fly to right field. Since most of the regulars in my section were not there, I had moved over a couple of seats to hang over the right field wall. Markakis runs in as he does he looks my way. I do the international gesture for “throw me the ball:” hands go up.

He tosses it my way as he goes by! I am such a kid.

I had my camera in my hand so I almost crushed it while catching the ball.

One of the better moments in a dismal 5-1 loss at Camden Yards. Orioles are kind of lifeless right now. They’ve reverted to the mode they were in at the end of 2009: cruise control. We need the pod people back.


KC Royals v Baltimore Orioles (5-24-2011)

Funtimes at Camden Yards. Adam Jones crushing a walkoff homerun to finish the evening. A beautiful night.

Link of the Day [2.09.11]

Today is addition day: 2+9=11! Just noticed. That isn't what today's link is about though.As yesterday's (or last night's) link took you to the game at which Ferris hooked school, hung out with Cameron and Sloane, masqueraded as Abe Froman, the sausage king of Chicago, and, most importantly, caught a ball at a Cubs-Braves game, today's link goes into the importance of why it was plain awesome of Ferris to catch a day game at Wrigley Field. (Man this sentence is a string of phrases that an editor could fix.)Baseball's 162 game schedule allows for a couple games a year to occur during a weekday afternoon. If you can do it, skip work or school and go down and support the local nine. It's a very fun way to spend an afternoon. Buy a hot dog. Drink a few beers. Heckle to opponent's left fielder. A bad day at a ball game is so much better than a day in a cubicle. I did it last year early in the miserable season of 2010. Watched the best game from the centerfield bleacher seats in Camden Yards as the Orioles took on the Mariners. Down several runs, the O's make the move with a Corey Patterson homer. Then they take the lead on Luke Scott's grand slam that barely cleared the wall. Alleged murderer, Alfredo Simon, called on to shut down the M's in the top of the ninth barely gets the save as the final out is recorded at the plate. That's baseball! And that was the most exciting 2010 game under the ill-fated Dave Trembley.