
Bob @ Boston v Baltimore

Pretty soon baseball will be back at the Yard. We’ll be there when it does. Front row. Center.

Shagging Batting Practice in the Sunshine

Tigers @ Orioles: No Here!

Ain’t the girls at the ballpark awesome? She wasn’t even the prettiest. As we left the Yard, there was a girl riding her bike home. Be still my beating heart. Baseball. Bikes. Babes. Nice.

How to get a ball

How to get a ball
Originally uploaded by browsermetrics.
Came early to OPACY for batting to snag a ball. Stood in centerfield bleachers as Tigers’ right handed batters hit it into the left field stands. Waited until Damon and the left handed hitters came up but the Tigers don’t have any jackets so balls weren’t falling into the stands. The fans were pleading with the players who were shagging flies for balls. Justin Verlander was generous tossing balls into he stands. I acted nonchalant so he wouldn’t throw directly to me. His final toss into the crowd went slightly to my left. I reached up and snagged it from the guy behind me. I’ve got another ball to add to he collection.

"That's noble of you, Lisa, but this is not the Bay of Pigs. "

"That's noble of you, Lisa, but this is not the Bay of Pigs. "
Originally uploaded by browsermetrics.
Mom wondering why we’re so high up at Camden Yards?

UPDATE: I love sitting up here at the top of Camden Yards. You get the normal beautiful view of Baltimore and turn around to see the other side you don’t normally see which too is great. There’s a slight breeze up here too. And if you’re crazy enough, you’ll make the jumbotron.

“So, how was I?” “You were great. It’s the pictures that got small. “

Cardboard Cut Out

A running conversation between Margaux and me is that she should be around for the baseball games I’ve been going to. She’s missed one hell of a season. It was early season sucking, then middle season sucking, until finally, late season life to make the sucking somewhat bearable. Anywat, I would usually tweet at her during the game and then she would tweet back about her cardboard cutout. This is as close to a cardboard cutout I have of her. Blurry and out of focus. I hope she realizes the fun she’s missing when these podpeople Orioles are causing grief with the hated Boston Red Sox.

Let the Good Times Roll

The night the First Lady had her lackey’s throw out the first ball, the Orioles staged an awesome rally to win in 13 innings. Here’s the gang getting fired up for that spectacle.

I 8 this!


Woohoo! Go, O’s!

Just synched my iPhone to my MBP and finally downloaded the pictures all 170+ of them from the last 10 months. It’s a funny photo from one of the games this year. I believe it’s from the Florida game, I think we had lost that one. Go figure. Hot dogs are awesome!