Link of the Day [10.09.08]

I'm watching a co-workers USB fan cool her down in this unseasonably
warm, humid day, and I wish I had one. That's a great use of the unused
USB ports on my work desktop. I doubt that the IT department would like
it though.I'm looking for cool USB devices. I've seen a few: coffee mug warmer,
refrigerator, christmas tree, fake fish tank. I've also seen some crazy
devices out of Japan, most notably a simulated bomb. It doesn't blow up
by acts as a countdown timer. I would like to get these "humping dogs"
as they are hilarious except that they won't be so hilarious the next
day. Have you seen any cool USB devices?

Caribbean Cruise 2005: Ship to shore

July 9, 2005
10:00 Final day. I am already tired of the same old same old routine. When are we landing at home? I am done.

Final day at sea.

12:00 Really bored. Where to eat that we have not been to? Let’s see. Nowhere!

A recap since I didn’t maintain this journal too much. Thursday was St. Maartens where we rode horses through a chemical plant. Cute guide. Friday was a day @ sea. Just swam.

Caribbean Cruise 2005: Horsepower

Our horseback riding guides

July 7, 2007
7:10 Ready for horses. Yesterday rode a bike on Water Island. Stacey was a guide and Jim was a hippy. Short ride about 3 miles. Ended up on Honeymoon beach. Swam in a thunderstorm.

Caribbean Cruise 2005: Honest Perry

Honest Perry Smith.

July 6, 2005
7:37 Bought a piece of art at the auction yesterday. How am I going to bring it home? I am getting heavier with all the eating. Well, we’re in the St. Thomas US V.I. Will be biking today.

1:15 Toured St. Thomas. Perry was our guide. Megan’s Bay public beach. Blacknbeard and Bluebeard. Not too much pirates.

Caribbean Cruise 2005: The Bahamas


July 4, 2005
7:51 Breakfast. Again. Wakeup early and ran (or ran/walked) 15 laps at 6:00 am. The sign says 9 laps is a mile.

Breakfasted at 7:00 and was seated with Jerry and Lorraine from Boston. Coming alone meaans you will be seated w/others.

Nassau. Going to another Blue Lagoon

9:45 Missed the boat again! Confusion on getting off the boat. Forgot my ID. How do we get off this ship!

Waiting now for the boats to the Blue Lagoon. Should be any moment.

8:43 Formal dinner and I am full. Blue Lagoon supremely disappointing. No food. No drink until the end. What a ripoff of $40. A luke warm stream

Caribbean Cruise 2005: Valor

Leaving from here...

Because everyone seems to be out on vacation, going to vacation, or coming back. Here’s my journal from the cruise the family took to the Eastern Caribbean Islands. Like my last travel log for the European Cruise, I’ll post an entry at least once a day. Then after that I may go on vacation myself.

July 3, 2005
9:25 Reagan National. Waiting for boarding. We’ve been delayed. Hopefully we won’t miss the boat. Security is a hassle. Take my shoes off? I knew I should’ve stuck with the slippers.

10:13 Super late. Just barely made it onto the ship. Literally, the last ones to board. Except we did not miss the lifeboat drill.

Watched Miami recede into the distance before having a pre-dinner snack. Eating has started. Off to dinner.