Link of the Day [1.24.24]

I write this on a MacBook Pro, one of the latest forms of the Apple Mac. It’s been 40 years since its introduction back in 1984. Once again that iconic of years reminds us of the iconic introduction commercial. So let’s all celebrate the Apple Macintosh.

Apple Vision!

Not sure about this tech. Will this be the next iPhone or an Apple Watch? Or will it be a Newton? One thing you should think about though is it is first generation hardware. Buyer beware.

Computing New

After almost eight years with a late 2013 MacBook Pro, I caved and bought one of the new 16″ MacBook Pro. Its spec with the M1 Max, 64 GB of unified memory, and 2 TB flash storage. It’s price tag is $4600 after tax. Yeah. It’s pricey. It’s also a monster.

Just this morning, I finally finished transferring my data from the old laptop. I went and used Migration Assistant and moved most my data over. And all my Intel compiled apps! What a mistake and I am trying to clean up all the old baggage from over 14 years of computing.

What? 14 years?

Yes. My previous laptop, too had used Migration Assistant to move data over so all the data is from at least 2008. Yeah, there’s a lot of history there. Not sure if it was worth it. No. It really may be. There’s 2 TB to find out.

Any how, I’m still getting used to the keyboard. Don’t like the short travel on these. I wish I had my mushy old laptop keys. Also, this trackpad is too slick. I have to get used to it. Maybe over the next 8 years I will.

Finally, I wish they included the extension cord for the power block. No idea if I can use an older one considering the brick is much larger.

Oh Man, It’s Down

The iPad, I think, is finally bonked. I hit update for the latest iOS, but it has been rebooting for the better part of the day. It progresses with the update, but then… kaput. Reboot.

Plugged in it kept doing that dance, so I took it off of life support and let it drain its battery. I just tried connecting to it with my laptop and it is still the same.

The problem was always there. For the past year, it would periodically reboot unexpectedly. It would first freeze then restart. Sometimes it would do it in succession. Something was definitely wrong with it. Sadly, I think I will be without an iPad for quite sometime then.

This May Be Problematic

We’re running out of disk space. How will I ever download those bootlegs? Nowhere to put them.

But I wiped out my NAS and should be finding transferring things to it. I guess. Except maybe I might want more space on that thing. We’ll have to see. I guess.

Link of the Day [8.27.19]

I’m hoping you are reading this in your RSS reader of choice. I especially hope, if you’re on a Mac, that you’re reading this in the re-release of NetNewsWire. It was an old RSS reader for the Mac back during the early 00’s when blogging was fun. It’s back in the late teens because blogging is still fun. Go, download it now, if you want a better RSS reader. Their iOS app is forthcoming.

IkuMai マウス


I haven’t watched this at all, but it’s got to be awesome. Yes. It’s got to be awesome.