Talking About The Weather

It’s bugging me. Staying indoors. The outdoors has been beautiful since the rona had hit. The weather has made it difficult to stay inside. Too nice. Except if you go out, you die. STAY HOME!

It was never really hot and unpleasant so far this summer. Maybe a few days we’ve reached into the 90s, but we haven’t had that week where it’s been 90 and humid everyday. It makes it fun to go out for a walk. I’ve been doing that plenty.

It was a nice spring. Always a pleasant and cool day. Not too much rain either. I think although being in doors makes it hard to judge.

I wish the weather was worse. It would force everyone back in doors. We need for you to stay home to stop the spread of the rona. You do it now and maybe in the winter we can go out again. But wear a mask.

Covid-19 Days – 100

I think 100 consecutive days of blog posts is enough. I’ve done it before (see lotd). And I’ll most likely do it again. Maybe a few days from now we reset the counter and try it again?


I ran out of things to say. And since we’re re-opening the country, there’s no need to be introspective anymore. We’ll either die or live. Our chances are 50-50. Just live your life carefully here on out.

What have we learned? Nothing. Wash your hands. Wear a face mask. Republicans are the devil. All this we’ve known before the pandemic. All this we’ll forget and have to relearn for the next pandemic. If there is one thing to never forget though is that Republicans want to kill you don’t let them.

Stay safe. Stay hopeful. Stay alive.


Covid-19 Days – 99

My sleep schedule is totally messed. I’ve been trying to catch Nogizaka’s 46 Hour TV since yesterday. I was up late last night, and caught a couple hours of sleep this afternoon. I’m here for the last day for this. I’m loving every minute!

For me, the first Nogizaka46 Hour TV pulled me totally into the Nogi fandom. It happened back in 2016 in place of their 4th Year Birthday Live in February of that year. It was the last big thing to see them as they were when I first became a fan. I think it was 36 members across only two generations. Nagashima, MaiMai, and Nanamin would be graduated by the end of the year. Third generation would be there by the fall. But just those 46 hours early in the year cemented my love for the group and for its members.

It looks like we have about another 5-6 hours left. Nogizaka will always make me smile.

Covid-19 Days – 98

Well this could’ve been done earlier into the self restraint and it would’ve been awesome. IT’S ANOTHER NOGIZAKA46 HOUR TV! Looks like I’l be up for the next 46!

Actually it started at 6 AM in my neck of the woods. There was break at 2 PM then started back up. Maybe we’ll get a sleep break sometime tomorrow morning!

Covid-19 Days – 97

What do you expect? A better post?

C’mon. I’m almost to 100 and I don’t know what to say anymore. It’s now or never.


Covid-19 Days – 96

Then what?

Again. Then what?

Is it this?

Is it that?

Can it be? It can’t. It will. It will be. Be. Been.

Covid-19 Days – 95

So long. So, so long. We can do it. If you be better, you can do it. If you work on it, you can do it. Stay safe and stay home. You can do it.

Covid-19 Days – 94

We’re back for the day. It feels like we’re winding down here on these posts. They were daily for the longest time. I missed only one or two days until I took the weekend off. I told ya. I hope you did have a good weekend. Did you?

So, the country has been opening up and getting back to normal. Restaurants, bars, other non-essential businesses have been allowed to open their doors for business. You can go, but sometimes you have to wait for others to leave, and other times you must stay 2 meters apart. But always, always wear a mask.

Yet, the rona is starting to return again. It most likely never went away. Please, remember we’re not out of this yet. You need to be better. Let’s all be better. Don’t let the rona win.

Covid-19 Days – 90

Here’s a post.

There’s a post.

Everywhere — A POST!

Ninety days. This is the longest I’ve kept this up. It’s almost a daily blog. I haven’t done something like this since a while ago… perhaps around the start of Link of the Day.

What better way to post, but as a commentary about this blog. It’s always the last resort for a topic. It’s also always the first resort! When in doubt talk about yourself. I’m hoping your not bored yet.